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Lampager for CakePHP 2

Rapid pagination without using OFFSET




composer require lampager/lampager-cakephp2

Move Plugin/Lampager to the appropriate directory if necessary.

Basic Usage

Load as a plugin. See How To Install Plugins for detail.

Plugin needs to be loaded manually in app/Config/bootstrap.php:

// Be sure to require vendor/autoload.php beforehand.
// CakePlugin::load() will fail unless autoloader is properly configured.

Next, add 'Lampager.Lampager' to your Model class (AppModel is preferable):

class AppModel extends Model
    public $actsAs = [

Use in one or more of the following methods:

  • Use in Controller (via LampagerBehavior)
  • Use in Model (via LampagerBehavior)

Use in Controller

At first, your Model class must have 'Lampager.Lampager' enabled. Use in a way described in the Cookbook: Pagination. Note the options that are specific to Lampager such as forward, seekable, or cursor.

/** @var \Lampager\PaginationResult $posts */
$posts = $this->paginate(Post::class, [
    // Lampager options
    'forward' => true,
    'seekable' => true,
    'cursor' => [
        'Post' => [
            'id' => '4',
            'created' => '2017-01-01 10:00:00',

    // PaginatorComponent::settings query
    'conditions' => [
        'Post.type' => 'public',
    'order' => [
        'Post.created' => 'DESC',
        '' => 'DESC',
    'limit' => 10,

$this->set('posts', $posts);

Use in Model

At first, your Model class must have 'Lampager.Lampager' enabled. Simply use Model::find with lampager. The custom find type lampager (see Retrieving Your Data) works in a way similar to the core find type all with additional parameters and post processor enabled.

/** @var \Lampager\PaginationResult $posts */
$posts = $this->find('lampager', [
    // Lampager options
    'forward' => true,
    'seekable' => true,
    'cursor' => [
        'Post' => [
            'id' => '4',
            'created' => '2017-01-01 10:00:00',

    // Model::find query
    'limit' => 10,
    'order' => [
        'Post.modified' => 'DESC',
        'Post.created' => 'DESC',
        '' => 'DESC',

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    /** @var mixed[][] $post */


See also: lampager/lampager.

Name Type Extends Description
LampagerBehavior Class ModelBehavior CakePHP behavior which handles Model::find() and PaginatorComponent::paginate()
LampagerArrayCursor Class Lampager\Contracts\Cursor Multi-dimensional array cursor
LampagerPaginator Class Lampager\Paginator Paginator implementation for CakePHP
LampagerArrayProcessor Class Lampager\ArrayProcessor Processor implementation for CakePHP
LampagerColumnAccess Class Multi-dimensional array accessor
LampagerTransformer Class CakePHP query genenrator


See also: lampager/lampager.

Using Model::find() or PaginatorComponent::paginate() is recommended. The query is merged with CakePHP query and passed to Lampager\Query.


Create a new paginator instance. These methods are not intended to be directly used in your code.

static LampagerPaginator::create(Model $builder, array $options): static
LampagerPaginator::__construct(Model $builder, array $options)


Transform a Lampager query into a CakePHP query.

LampagerPaginator::transform(\Lampager\Query $query): array


Perform configure + transform.

LampagerPaginator::build(array $cursor = []): array


Perform configure + transform + process.

LampagerPaginator::paginate(array $cursor = []): \Lampager\PaginationResult


  • (array) $cursor
    An associative array that contains $column => $value. It must be all-or-nothing.
    • For the initial page, omit this parameter or pass an empty array.
    • For the subsequent pages, pass all the parameters. The partial one is not allowed.

Return Value


(Default format when using Model::find())

object(Lampager\PaginationResult)#1 (5) {
  array(3) {
    array(1) {
      array(3) { ... }
    array(1) {
      array(3) { ... }
    array(1) {
      array(3) { ... }
  array(1) {
    array(2) {
      string(1) "3"
      string(19) "2017-01-01 10:00:00"


Create a new transformer instance. This class is not intended to be directly used in your code.

LampagerTransformer::__construct(Model $builder, array $options)


This section describes the practial usages of lampager-cakephp2.

Use in Controller

The example below shows how to accept a cursor parameter from a request and pass it through PaginatorComponent::settings. Be sure that your Model class has 'Lampager.Lampager' enabled.

class PostsController extends AppController
    public function index()
        // Get cursor parameters
        $previous = $this->request->param('named.previous_cursor');
        $next = $this->request->param('named.next_cursor');

        $this->Paginator->settings = [
            // Lampager options
            // If the previous_cursor is not set, paginate forward; otherwise backward
            'forward' => !$previous,
            'cursor' => $previous ?: $next ?: [],
            'seekable' => true,

            // PaginatorComponent::settings query
            'conditions' => [
                'Post.type' => 'public',
            'order' => [
                'Post.created' => 'DESC',
                '' => 'DESC',
            'limit' => 10,

        /** @var \Lampager\PaginationResult $posts */
        $posts = $this->Paginator->paginate(Post::class);
        $this->set('posts', $posts);

And the pagination links can be output as follows:

// If there is a previous page, print pagination link
if ($posts->hasPrevious) {
    echo $this->Html->link('<< Previous', [
        'controller' => 'posts',
        'action' => 'index',
        'previous_cursor' => $posts->previousCursor,

// If there is a next page, print pagination link
if ($posts->hasNext) {
    echo $this->Html->link('Next >>', [
        'controller' => 'posts',
        'action' => 'index',
        'next_cursor' => $posts->nextCursor,

Supported database engines

MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite


Microsoft SQL Server

Not supported.