Ultibo example projects
These examples are included in the Ultibo core installer download and can be found from the Lazarus IDE by selecting Tools, Example Projects.. from the menu.
Example projects included:
01-HelloWorld Classic hello world example.
02-Blinker The starting point for bare metal, blinking an LED.
03-ScreenOutput An example showing some of the console output APIs available.
04-KeyboardInput Reading characters from a USB keyboard and printing them on screen.
05-TimeDate Getting the date and time from the internet, handling timezones.
06-PascalObjects Creating and manipulating some simple objects.
07-Exceptions Demonstration of handling both software and hardware exceptions.
08-FileHandling Using the file APIs to list and read files.
09-LogOutput Logging program output and errors to a console window.
10-MultiThreading Exploring the different ways to create multiple threads.
11-MultiCPU A look at the handling of multiple CPUs within the Ultibo core.
12-WebServer Using the HTTP server component to create a simple web server.
For more information on these examples see the Ultibo Wiki at https://ultibo.org/wiki/Main_Page