This console-based library management system is designed for beginners who want to start developing projects in Java. It mainly focuses on basic operations in a library, like adding new members, new books, updating new information, searching books along with advanced searching, viewing members, and the facility to borrow and return books. This serialization is used to store all the data permanently in files.
1.) Admin-User Login
2.) Menu based on Person Role(Admin/User).
3.) Filters can be Applied while Viewing and Searching Books.
4.) Automatically compress or decompress table based on Length of Data.
5.) Serialization is used to store Data.
6.) Gives resonable output if something goes wrong.
7.) Explore more by Running it.
For New User, Use "xx__"(without double quotes) as UserName and Password.
- Clone the repo
Explore (or run) the project. Main class is
. Compile and run!😎 -
Open command prompt and direct to the location where this project is downloaded. Compile using this command to get the database connectivity
java -cp .;lib/mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar LibMngmntSys
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.