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Jaime Gutiérrez Alfaro edited this page Feb 28, 2025
15 revisions
For newer versions: see https://github.com/labexp/osmtracker-android/releases
- Features: Switch to Oauth2, multiple segments per track functionality.
- Improvements: update translations
- Bug fixes: Export tracks and custom layouts in scoped storage in android 11+
- Known bugs:take photos in traces is not working
- Fix bugs with background map and uploading tracks to OSM.
- Improvements in map and trace visualization.
- GPX files include keywords and description in a new metadata section.
- Change “New track” message in main screen.
- Add GPS logging distance option.
- Motion detection, minimum distance between subsequent track points.
- Updated translations. (new languages available: et, he and sq)
- Rewrite of download custom layouts functionality (close #119).
- Improvements in Support android 6 permissions
- Change application icon
- Minor fixes (#148)
- Notifications issue fixed, set importance at low to avoid sound. (issue on android 8)
- Gradle file changed to "apply plugin" syntax (makes easier building the app for fdroid)
- set high contrast theme (issue on android 8)
- Upgrade min API to 16
- Fix a couple of resource leaks thanks to andrew659
- Fix map tiles disappearing when screen is turned off
- Fix crash with Hebrew locale
- Update SdkVersion to 26 (min to 11)
- Project changed internal maintainers from nguillaumin to labexp (GitHub)
- Package domain updated from me.guillaumin.android to net.osmtracker
- Support for Android 6 permissions
- Fix Travis build thanks to floscher
- Fix error 500 when upload GPX data to OSM
- Update gradle version to 4.5
- Project completely moved to GitHub.
- Internal: Switched to Android Studio for development.
- Fix problem with some exported files not visible via MTP thanks to mvglasow.
- Added button to export the database for debugging purposes.
- Fix issue with app. priority when using hardware media button.
- Updated translations.
- Start audio recording with the hardware media button thanks to zdila.
- Fix Mapnik display.
- Fix progress dialog on bulk GPX export.
- Updated translations.
- Possible fix for GPX export on Android 5 (untested).
- Record compass heading thanks to Christoph Gohle.
- Fix issue with camera photos not saved in application folder.
- Copy gallery chosen picture into application folder.
- Added preference for default picture source (Camera / Gallery / Ask).
- Updated translations.
- Ability to choose picture from gallery thanks to jakobmoellers.
- Ability to chose tile provider thanks to jakobmoellers.
- Export speed information in GPX thanks to andyhelp.
- Choose map background on first use thanks to jdmonin.
- Updated translations.
- Allow installation on SD Card.
- Updated icons.
- Updated translations.
- Fix OSM upload on Android 3 and more.
- Fix issue with non-ASCII characters in OSM upload.
- Retain original filename when uploading.
- Updated translations.
- Fixed menu not appearing on Android 3+ devices.
- Various changes for Transifex compatibility.
- Fixed crash on track list to do with status icons.
- Enabled pinch to zoom on map view.
- Auto-zoom to show complete track in map view for inactive tracks.
- UI updated for Android 3.0 and more.
- Updated translations: DA.
- Upload tracks to !OpenStreetMap.
- Mass GPX-export of tracks.
- Fix issue with GPX files invisible on some phones (Galaxy Nexus).
- Now requires Android 2.1.
- Fix for background tracking unexpectedly stopping and parts of track lost for Android 2.x and after.
- Track list now shows the most recent first.
- Access way points list from track details screen.
- Minor layout fixes and improvements.
- Minor OSM background map improvements.
- Ensure GPX files are XML schema-compliant
- Updated translations: NO, PL, RU, JA, FR.
- Way points are now displayed on the map.
- Minor bug fixes in GPX export.
- Updated translations: IT, IW, FR, RU, NN, NB.
- Fixed bug when using internal memory for storage.
- Added menu to delete all tracks at once.
- Various minor improvements.
- Updated translations: SK, NN.
- Fixed Market packaging issue (No source code change).
- Now requires Android 1.6.
- Voice recording can be started with dpad or headset button.
- Playing short beeps to indicate start and stop of a voice recording.
- Optimized PNGs icons file size.
- GPX export dramatic speed improvement.
- Track recording now starts immediately after starting a new Track.
- Updated translations: DE, SV.
- Fixed screen rotation issues when entering a note.
- Fixed GPS logging interval handling.
- Fixed notification problems.
- Screen can now automatically be turned off.
- Ability to pause and resume tracking.
- Ability to stop tracking from the track list.
- Performance improvements on track list.
- New/updated translations: Slovak, Italian, German, Brazilian Pt.
- Ability to rename tracks.
- New layout option to set icon position (Deal better with landscape layouts).
- Remembers zoom level in OSM view.
- GPX links syntax fix.
- New option to set GPS logging interval.
- Translations: FI, TH, DA.
- Various bug fixes.
- Updated DE translation.
- Ability to display a previous track from the track list.
- Ability to work with multiple tracks.
- Minor bugfixes (screen orientation).
- Ability for layouts to use String resources as labels.
- Ability to use OS clock instead of GPS ones, to help with some devices like Samsung Galaxy/Spica.
- Changed voice record and text note feature to record location when button is pressed, instead of at the end of the recording/text note.
- New translations: RU, FR.
- Ability to use !OpenStreetMap tiles as track display background (Needs data connection).
- Small bugfixes.
- New translations: SV, ES.
- Added some safeguard to prevent crash with photos on some devices.
- Added/updated translations: IT, DE, DA.
- Added support for user-customizable buttons layouts.
- Start/Stop tracking is now in the application menu.
- Track display is now updated in real time.
- Added Italian translation thanks to diego.pierotto.
- Various bugfixes.
- Added screen orientation support.
- Added HDOP approximation in GPX output.
- Added accuracy/signal strenght info on GUI.
- Added accuracy and number of satellites in GPX file and corresponding setting.
- Added textual annotation.
- Added display current track screen.
- Properly release GPS when quitting application.
- Added a notification system when the application is still tracking in background.
- Added a GPS enabled check at startup.
- Minor UI changes in preferences screen.
- Added an about screen.
- Added photo taking ability (Photo size limitation on pre 2.0 devices).
- Added theme system + custom high-contrast theme.
- Better management of hardware back-button.
- Added a screen which display list of recorded waypoints.
- Fixed a bug in timestamp format in GPX file.
- Added a small notification when recording a waypoint.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Managed unavailability of SD card when starting tracking.
- Tried some hacks to prevent voice recording problems.
- Added icons for all buttons.
v0.2.0 (Never released)
- Added backgrounding ability: Service continues to track if UI is dismissed.
- Minor UI changes in Preferences.
- Initial release.