Pipe tasks (#1105)
as defined in KEP-0017 we introduce a new Pipe task. Given a task specification like:
- name: genfiles
kind: Pipe
pod: pipe-pod.yaml
- file: /tmp/foo.txt
kind: Secret # or ConfigMap
key: foo
KUDO will:
- create a Pod with the provided pipe-pod.yaml
- wait for the successful execution of the container
- copy out specified pipe files
- store them in the API server (in the above example as a Secret)
- the secret can be referenced in the subsequent resources as {{Pipes.foo}}
For more information read our docs.
Admission webhook for ensuring plan atomicity and validation (#1133)
To be able to ensure plans run to completion and all the guarantees KUDO provides are met, KUDO needs an admission webhook. We’ve introduced first version of the webhook in 0.9.0. It’s an experimental and optional feature for now, but we recommend always running with webhook especially in production environment. We’ll keep adding more rules in the next releases and most probably will make the webhook mandatory when installing KUDO.
For more information read our docs.
Cleanup plan (#1188)
If an optional cleanup plan is part of an operator, this plan will run when the operator's instance is being deleted. Once this plan is completed or failed, the instance will be deleted.
For more information read our docs.
Improved developer experience with kudo package verify
When developing an operator, the CLI can now help you verify your work looking for unused parameters or other bugs. It outputs list of warnings/errors to help you with that.
More on the usage in our docs
Other notable changes
9981ed2 Wait for the entire assert timeout for resources to be deleted. (#1169)
Docker images
docker pull kudobuilder/controller:latest
docker pull kudobuilder/controller:v0.9.0