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@kubermatic-bot kubermatic-bot released this 23 Dec 13:44
· 40 commits to main since this release

Changelog since v1.9.0

Changes by Kind


  • Add .cloudProvider.kubevirt.infraNamespace field to the KubeOneCluster API used to control what namespace will be used by the KubeVirt provider to create and manage resources in the infra cluster, such as VirtualMachines and VirtualMachineInstances (#3503, @kubermatic-bot)
  • Add support for the KubeVirt CSI driver. The CSI driver is deployed automatically for all KubeVirt clusters (unless .cloudProvider.disableBundledCSIDrivers is set to true). A new optional field, .cloudProvider.kubevirt.infraClusterKubeconfig, has been added to the KubeOneCluster API used to provide a kubeconfig file for a KubeVirt infra cluster (a cluster where KubeVirt is installed). This kubeconfig can be used by the CSI driver for provisioning volumes. (#3512, @kubermatic-bot)
  • Update OpenStack CCM and CSI driver to v1.31.2 and v1.30.2 (#3489, @kubermatic-bot)

Bug or Regression

  • Fix an error message appearing in the KubeOne UI for clusters that don't have any Machine/MachineDeployment (#3480, @kubermatic-bot)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Use dedicated keyring for Docker repositories to solve apt-key deprecation warning upon installing/upgrading containerd (#3485, @kubermatic-bot)




SHA256 checksums can be found in the kubeone_1.9.1_checksums.txt file.