Python Library for the Netsuite REST API
will update this README later into a cleaner version with better examples, just getting a starting point established for now
Currently not in PIP repositories. Will make into a Package Later
pip install suitepy
netsuite integration and access tokens . . .
production and sandbox account id in url . . .
Credentials should be a JSON Object with the following parameters NOTE: These are fake example Tokens
"account_id": "1234567",
"token_id": "12345abcde678910fghij123asdf234asdfwr5sdaf2354sadg234sadf234dsaf",
"token_secret": "saf8u9as79823623h4nfy7324uihfe78428h78nhew789823fm782387n8372h72",
"consumer_key": "askjdhfuiy3278950234875hfjhsdkf3287942346shf349875hsdf8734hdfsi7",
"consumer_secret": "sdaf6987sf6873hi5h34k57fd78sd623h4n3k8d9fg7sdf98g7kj5n3k4j5nd897"
Import Suitepy
import suitepy as sp
I recommend storing credentials in an external json file. Then you can call read_credentials with the path to that file and it will make the json that you pass to RESTMaster for you.
credentials = sp.read_credentials('netsuite-credentials.json')
Create an instance of RESTMaster
meister = sp.RESTMaster(credentials)
only select . . .
see suiteql documentation and sql-92 stuff . . .
Query All
records = meister.query_all("SELECT companyName FROM Customer")
# Convert to a pandas dataframe
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(records)
CRUD opreations return empty HTTP 204 No Content responses on success
- So you can check response.ok to determine if successful
- Also, it only lets you do things 1 record at a time, but I will make a bulk_create and bulk_update method later
empty response on success, check ok and status code . . .
Use the header link that is returned to determine the id of the newly created record, if needed.
create bulk . . .
. . .
response = meister.create('customer', '{"entityid": "RESTTEST_1", "companyname": "REST Customer 1", "subsidiary": {"id": "7"}}')
# Check Results
. . .
# Need the Internal Id of the record, in this case 124529, later I will work on external id
response = meister.update('customer', 124529, '{"externalId": "REST_Customer_3"}')
. . .
# Need the Internal Id of the record, in this case 124530, later I will work on external id
response = meister.delete('customer', 124530)
Exceptions . . .
error messages . . .
. . .
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