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Hi there πŸ‘‹

GitHub hosts the code for all of my personal projects. If you would like to learn more about me or see my portfolio, visit my website:

Current and Past Projects

Project Description
Speech Sound Sleuth screenshot Speech Sound Sleuth

Speech therapy game inspired by "Where's Waldo?" Players search for items tied to speech sounds in timed challenges. When an item is found, the timer stops for pronunciation practice. Backend tested using Supertest and MongoDB Memory Server.

Frontend Source Code β€’ Backend Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Blog screenshot Blog

Straightforward blog platform that includes a RESTful API, front-end integration, and user authentication. Utilized AWS S3 for blog post image storage. Created an external interface tailored for admins with content management capabilities.

API Source Code β€’ CMS Source Code β€’ Client Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Members Only demo Members Only

Exclusive message board in which anyone can view messages, but only logged-in members can see who wrote the messages and post new ones. Includes user authentication, password encryption, and role-based authorization.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Shopping Cart screenshot Shopping Cart

Mock-up of a shopping site with the ability to browse products and add items to cart. Used React Router for "client-side routing" and a public API to retrieve product details. Tested the user interface using Vitest (a testing framework) and React Testing Library.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Memory Card demo Uni Lang: A Memory Game

A language-based card game with the objective of clicking all cards without any duplicate clicks. Created using React and JavaScript with animated card flips to emulate a realistic playing experience.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Battleship demo Battleship

Single-player game based on the classic Battleship strategic board game. Created following concept of Test Driven Development.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Todo list demo TODO List

Organize and keep track of tasks by saving todo items in custom folders; viewing, editing, deleting, and checking off todo items; and filtering todo items.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Tic-tac-toe Tic-Tac-Toe

A tic-tac-toe game in which players can enter their names, take turns and make valid plays. Written with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ
Etch-a-Sketch demo Etch-a-Sketch

Activity with a customizable grid size, adjustable pen colors, erase functionality, and a clear grid option.

Source Code β€’ Live Demo πŸ‘ˆ

Additional Projects

Pinned Loading

  1. speech-sound-sleuth-backend speech-sound-sleuth-backend Public

    Speech therapy game inspired by "Where's Waldo?" Players search for items tied to speech sounds in timed challenges. When an item is found, the timer stops for pronunciation practice.


  2. blog-api blog-api Public

    RESTful API that powers my personal blog and associated CMS site.


  3. memory-card memory-card Public

    A memory game consisting of 12 cards. Each card features the word "hello" in a different language. Earn points by clicking on the cards without clicking the same card twice.


  4. battleship battleship Public

    Single-player game based on the classic Battleship strategic board game.
