This Project is Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2
Hardware used
- Raspberry Pi 3
- 16 GB SD Card
- Power supply cable for Pi
- Screen for Rpi(Setup steps given for multiple screens - check below)
- MFRC522 RFID card reader
- HDMI Display, Keyboard and Mouse (For initial setup)
Install Raspbian Stretch on the 16GB SD Card.
Open a terminal and run
sudo raspi-config
- Change Password to some strong password
- Localisation Options
- Change Timezone to "Asia/Kolkata"
- Change Keyboard Layout to "Dell 101 Key PC". Language is English US. Set defaults for everything else.
- Change Wifi Country to India
- Interfacing Options
- Enable SSH
- Enable SPI
- Advanced Options
- Expand filesystem
- Finish and Reboot
Setup Networking
- Wifi - Just use the GUI to connect
- Static IP for Ethernet Connection can be set in /etc/dhcpcd.conf
- For the IP address, you will have to ask your local network admin.
- Just for good measure, Reboot after these changes
Set up proxy
- In /etc/apt/apt.conf
- In ~/.bashrc
- For information on how to set proxy in apt.conf and bashrc, you can look at
- Though the above post is for ubuntu, the changes to be made to apt.conf and bashrc files are exactly the same for raspbian as well.
- Test SSH
- Setup key based SSH
- Disable password based SSH
Setup Firewall
sudo apt-get install ufw
- Set default rule for incoming data to deny
- Allow http, https, openssh, and port 8000
- Enable ufw
Setup Date and Time Syncing
- Raspberry Pi does not have an internal clock. Raspbian syncs time using NTP. But IITG firewall blocks this.
- Thus, we are going to use a different method - htpdate and cron
- Run
sudo apt-get install htpdate
- Run
sudo crontab -e
(If its the first time, you will be asked to choose a text editor. For beginners, nano is the easiest editor to use) - Add this at the bottom of the file
* * * * * /usr/sbin/htpdate -s
- Save and Exit
- Run
Setting up Screen and MFRC522 Reader
git clone
cd mess
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd mess-rpisetup
- Checkout branch of the screen that you are using. Instructions are provided for Waveshare 3.5 Inch, Waveshare 7 Inch and Newhaven NHD-7.0-HDMI-N-RSXN-CTU Displays.
- Follow the instructions in the "Todo" file
- Complete it and Test it before continuing!!!
- Also, quickstart to "git submodules" -
Configure database settings for the feedback system
- Firstly, let us understand the database architecture.
- We will run one instance of the feedback system on a central server. This will NOT be used for feedback, but for HAB staff to access and update the system. This central server will also host the database that will be used by all feedback systems.
- Each hostel's feedback system will connect to this central database. Thus, the user and feedback data across all hostels will always be consistent.
- Instructions for central system
- sudo apt-get install mariadb-server libmariadbclient-dev
- sudo mysql -u root
- CREATE USER 'mess'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mess';
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mess . * TO 'mess'@'localhost';
- Instructions for hostel systems
- Open django's
- In DATABASES variable, in
'HOST': 'localhost'
, replace'localhost'
with the IP adress of the central server.
- Firstly, let us understand the database architecture.
Setup and test the django project
- Go to the project folder
- Setup current_hostel variable. This variable is used to ensure users can only give feedback at subscribed_hostel and not any other hostel.
- We need to setup which hostel we are working on.
- This is setup in rating/ current_hostel
- sudo -E -H pip install -r requirements.txt
- Checkout the needed version(using git)
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
- Go to a web browser and type '' and test if the website is working
Deploy using Gunicorn and Nginx. You can follow this link.
The guide uses postgresql, but we plan to use mariadb - so make necessary changes.
The guide also uses virtual environments, but we dont need to use virtual environment in production - so make necessary adjustments.- Run
sudo apt-get install nginx
- Run
sudo -E -H pip install gunicorn
- The django deployment checklist
The following need to be set with appropriate values.- TIME_ZONE
- Ensure that database password is taken from environment variable, instead of passing it as cleartext in the settings file.
- Secret Key and Database Passwords should be taken from environment.
However, gunicorn will not use the variables from bashrc(both user and root do not work) or /etc/environment
So, to set env variables for gunicorn - Follow this link
TL; DR instructions- Create a file in
, and put the following contents.
You might need to change the values.
SECRET_KEY="alkvno39u109jgl1knfocyr9183ryo1hfo1c8n" DATABASE_PASSWORD="totallymypass"
- Below, when we create gunicorn.service file, we will add a reference to /home/pi/mess/django_environment_variables
- For running
python <somecommand>
, you need the SECRET_KEY and DATABASE_PASSWORD in the environment. The simplest way to do this is to add aexport
them from bashrc.nano ~/.bashrc
#Django export SECRET_KEY="alkvno39u109jgl1knfocyr9183ryo1hfo1c8n" export DATABASE_PASSWORD="mess"
- Create a file in
- Run
python collectstatic
- Test gunicorn by running
gunicorn --bind mess.wsgi
, and checking the website from browser.
The website will not have any style, since gunicorn does not know about the CSS responsible for this - Create a gunicorn systemd service file and enable it
- Create a new file by typing
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service
- This is a sample gunicorn.service file. You might have to make necessary modifications.
[Unit] Description=gunicorn daemon [Service] User=pi Group=www-data WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/mess EnvironmentFile=/home/pi/mess/django_environment_variables ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 1 --bind unix:/home/pi/mess/mess.sock mess.wsgi:application [Install]
- Run
sudo systemctl start gunicorn
- Run
sudo systemctl enable gunicorn
- Create a new file by typing
- Setup Nginx
- Run
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/mess
- This is a sample server block. You might have to make necessary modifications.
server { listen 80; server_name <INSERT IP HERE>; location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location /static/ { root /home/pi/mess; } location / { include proxy_params; proxy_pass http://unix:/home/pi/mess/mess.sock; } }
- Run
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mess /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
- Run
sudo systemctl restart nginx
- Run
- Open a browser and check the website. It should be up and running on port 80.
If you are facing problems, please check the above link. The guide has some instructions about troubleshooting.
- Run
Set up RPi to run as a Kiosk
- Im not writing specific instructions because the blog is very well written.
- Notes
- When I tried to use the
loop in.xsession
, it didnt work. - For running
sudo insserv /etc/init.d/aaa
you might need to first install insserv by typingsudo apt-get install insserv
- When I tried to use the
- Request : For the splash image, use the IITG Logo