A script to generate background images with text and text.png fonts for GB Studio
- Support for any compatible font (unicode looking good at 8x8)
- Accepts text of any lenght
- Generates either images with text or a font.png file for its use in GBS
- 3 different font sizes: 8, 16 and 32 px
- Optional line spacing
- Options to adjust left and top padding, interword spacing and kerning.
- Customizable maximum height for the images
- Automatically splits lines that are too long
- Automatically splits images that are too long
- Automatically tries to find the correct top padding and kerning when creating a font.png
./txt2gb.sh [OPTIONS ...] input.txt
./txt2gb.sh [OPTIONS ...] -g -f font
Text settings:
-f font Font name to render text. Known working fonts are: ACM-VGA (default), CompaqThin, GBStudio-Stars (uppercase only) and Public-Pixel
-s px Font Size: 8 (default, 19 char/line), 16 (9 char/line) and 32 (4 char/line)
-l lines Leading (line spacing): 0 or 1 (default)
-p px Padding to the left. Between 0 and 152. Usually a multiple of 8. Default: 8
-w char Line Width in number of char: 1 to 20. It won't cut words. Defaults depending on size: 19, 9, 4
Advanced Font settings:
-t px Padding to the Top of each line. Between 1 and 64. Defaults depending on size: 7, 15, 30
-i px Interword spacing. Between -5 and 64. Default: 0
-k px Kerning: add or remove spacing between each letter. Between -5 and 5. Default: 0
Image settings:
-c px Maximum height for cutting the images. A multiple of 8 between 8 and 2040 (default)
-a px Image width. A multiple of 8 between 8 and 2040. Default: 160.
GBS Font generation:
-g Generate a font.png to use in GBStudio from a font. Required: -f font.
The ACM-VGA and CompaqThin fonts for GB Studio are also available, so you can use it for the dialogs and elsewhere.