A collection of posters realized during the course of Data Visualization Techniques and Introduction to exploratory data analysis conducted at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology.
Posters collected by: @kozaka93
Instructors: @kozaka93 @HubertR21 @maciejchrabaszcz @woznicak
Instructors: @kozaka93 @krzyzinskim @maciejchrabaszcz
Instructors: @kozaka93 @krzyzinskim @mikolajsp @woznicak
Instructors: @kozaka93 @HubertR21 @maciejchrabaszcz
Have you ever wondered what distinguishes the best Formula 1 drivers? Why do some teams perform better than expected? Or which athletes left their competitors behind? If YES, you can find the answer to these and other questions in the posters below.
Instructors: @kozaka93 @krzyzinskim @HubertR21 @mikolajsp
Have you wondered how music affects our mood? Or whether concerts affect the popularity of songs and the number of plays? Or what makes a song win a Grammy or win Eurovision? You can find the answers to these questions and many more on the posters prepared during the Introduction to exploratory data analysis course.
Instructors: @kozaka93 @HubertR21 @sobieskibj
In the first project, students faced the task of preparing a poster. The topic was very interesting and timely, as it was dedicated to climate change and environmental protection. Considering learning ggplot2 from scratch, the results are fantastic. You can check it out below!
Instructors: @kozaka93 @hbaniecki
Project focused on the exploration and visualisation of survey data. The data from questionnaires were related to two scientific projects conducted by Centrum Nauki Kopernik in Warsaw.
Instructors: @kozaka93 @woznicak
How to tell an interesting story? During classes we spend time learning the types of plots we can use to make sense of our data. It is also important to be able to tell the story hidden in the data to others. To do this, students made posters about movies, series, books, and games.
Instructors: @kozaka93