Releases: kora-projects/kora
Releases · kora-projects/kora
What's Changed
- Replaced deprecated opentelemetry
usages by @Squiry in #241 - Added more flexible way of grpc component configuration by @Squiry in #244
- Fixed cassandra UDT mappers for lists in java processor by @Squiry in #240
- Fixed partially
T is not a sub type of the class/interface that contains
` by @Squiry in #248 - Added warning in Json extensions for non annotated types by @Squiry in #249
- Added
annotation with processors by @Squiry in #245 - Fixed openapi generator and discriminators again by @Squiry in #250
Full Changelog: 1.1.19...1.1.20
What's Changed
- Added ViolationExceptionHttpServerResponseMapper context by @GoodforGod in #229
- Added HTTP-server parameter parsing enriched by @GoodforGod in #234
- Added Cassandra more default mappers by @GoodforGod in #237
- Improved ClientClassGenerator error handling by @GoodforGod in #227
- Fixed Quartz default properties values by @GoodforGod in #226
- Fixed OpenAPI discriminator enum naming by @GoodforGod in #225
- Fixed Allow empty interfaces as targets of
targets by @Squiry in #230 - Fixed Cache Redis multiple key get by @GoodforGod in #228
- Fixed handling of null values for sealed interfaces in JSON parsing by @Squiry in #231
- Fixed Cassandra row mapper for primitive return types by @GoodforGod in #236
- Fixed OpenAPI typeMapping by @GoodforGod in #235
- Fixed Allow parameterized classed to be discovered as final components by @Squiry in #238
- Added automatic module name to the JAR manifest by @Squiry in #232
Full Changelog: 1.1.18...1.1.19
What's Changed
- Added experimental Camunda 8 Zeebe Worker module by @GoodforGod in #37
- Added Database Kotlin transaction suspend extension methods by @GoodforGod in #148
- Improved OpenAPI Generator discriminator by @GoodforGod in #211
- Fixed JUnit Mock/Spy/Replace
components by @GoodforGod in #216 - Fixed Kafka unused parameter in
by @Squiry in #219 - Fixed Kafka transactional publisher
method by @Squiry in #220 - Fixed Quartz scheduler default configuration for correct clustered behavior by @Squiry in #217
- Fixed minor dependency security updates by @GoodforGod in #218
Full Changelog: 1.1.17...1.1.18
What's Changed
- Added Config boolean as native type by @GoodforGod in #203
- Added KafkaConsumer telemetry improvements by @GoodforGod in #189
- Fixed Grpc client telemetry on request cancellation by @Squiry in #202
- Fixed HttpServer private release sleep removed by @GoodforGod in #205
- Fixed ResourceConfigOrigin#description by @GoodforGod in #206
- Fixed Template components matching for graph processor by @Squiry in #210
Full Changelog: 1.1.16...1.1.17
What's Changed
- Fixed JDBC
type mapping by @mitasov-ra in #197 - Fixed JdkScheduler jobs await release by @Squiry in #198
- Fixed Quartz job registrar npe by @strelchm in #195
- Fixed scheduling jobs impls refresh trigger whole scheduler refresh behavior by @Squiry in #199
- Improved Quartz job shutdown by @GoodforGod in #196
- Updated dependencies minor version by @GoodforGod in #200
- Improved HttpServerConfig with new options by @GoodforGod in #201
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.1.15...1.1.16
What's Changed
- Fixed HTTP Client tracing missing by @Squiry in #192
- Fixed
method potential collision with jdk scheduling by @GoodforGod in #193 - Fixed Jdk Scheduling job await graceful shutdown by @GoodforGod in #194
Full Changelog: 1.1.14...1.1.15
What's Changed
- Added force shutdownNow when graceful shutdown fails for gRPC, KafkaListener, Scheduler by @GoodforGod in #190
- Fixed Quartz config annotation processor missing by @GoodforGod in #191
Full Changelog: 1.1.13...1.1.14
What's Changed
- Added JsonNullable special type by @GoodforGod in #170
- Added KafkaConsumer allow empty records by @GoodforGod in #187
- Added OpenAPI enableJsonNullable option support added by @GoodforGod in #184
- Added Camunda Rest OpenAPI by @GoodforGod in #171
- Improved Camunda Rest Telemetry by @GoodforGod in #185
- Improved graceful shutdown (HTTP Server, KafkaListener, gRPC Server, Schedulers) by @GoodforGod in #179
- Fixed OpenAPI Codegen allows additionalContractAnnotations without validation by @GoodforGod in #180
- Fixed KafkaConsumer RebalanceListener for topics by @GoodforGod in #183
- Fixed
exceptions processing in blocking threads by @Squiry in #188 - Fixed Kotlin KafkaProducer allow defaults methods by @GoodforGod in #186
Full Changelog: 1.1.12...1.1.13
What's Changed
- Added OpenAPI HTTP client auth as method argument by @GoodforGod in #167
- Added
parameter by @GoodforGod in #162 - Added
if enabled to extend real graph if needed by @GoodforGod in #161 - Added SOAP telemetry tracing and logging by @GoodforGod in #174
- Fixed HTTP client logging enabled by @GoodforGod in #168
- Fixed Jdbc Kotlin
check for optional params by @GoodforGod in #166 - Fixed Metrics missing tags for multiple modules by @GoodforGod in #163
- Fixed Tracing status ERROR code for multiple modules by @GoodforGod in #173
- Fixed HTTP Client telemetry config backward compatibility by @GoodforGod in #176
Full Changelog: 1.1.11...1.1.12
What's Changed
- Added HTTP Client/Server logging masking by @Anshelen in #119
- Added HTTP Client & Server metrics enriched by @GoodforGod in #142
- Added OpenAPI additional contract annotations by @GoodforGod in #143
- Added Resilient Retry & Timeout virtual thread support by @GoodforGod in #155
- Added annotation processor for JDBC result set mappers by @Squiry in #149
- Fixed gRPC metrics leak by @GoodforGod in #160
- Fixed GraphBuilder intersected generics support by @GoodforGod in #158
- Fixed wrap quartz job exceptions to prevent incorrect logging by @eyeless-watcher in #146
- Fixed Enum config value as toString by @GoodforGod in #157
- Fixed JsonReader Set & Map as Linked by @GoodforGod in #156
- Fixed Retry support zero attempts by @GoodforGod in #154
- Fixed HttpClientRequestMapper String as plain text by @GoodforGod in #151
New Contributors
- @eyeless-watcher made their first contribution in #146
- @Anshelen made their first contribution in #119
Full Changelog: 1.1.10...1.1.11