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Export your report to PDF, JPG, PNG or other formats using cloud service

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CloudExport helps to export your report to PDF or other format using export service providers. is the first cloud service we implemented for CloudExport. is developed by us so you can assure the compatibility as well as the quality of result.


By downloading .zip file

  1. Download
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Copy the folder cloudexport into koolreport folder so that look like below
├── core
├── cloudexport

By composer

composer require koolreport/cloudexport

Overview is an online service helps to convert HTML to PDF and other image format. Running on highly optimized hardware and software, the will save your time in installing headless browsers like Phantomjs or Google Chrome. It also saves you server resources which you may reserve for other crucial tasks. The is in beta version so all are free.

Get Token Key

  1. Register an account in An email with title "Welcome to" will be sent to you in few minutes after your sign up.
  2. Use account credential in welcome email to log in our system.
  3. Go to tokens management page
  4. Hit Generate button to generate token key.



class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    //Register cloud export service in your report
    use \koolreport\cloudexport\Exportable;


        <h1>This is my first export using</h1>
        <p> save your time and resources in exporting html, report to PDF.</p>


require_once "../koolreport/core/autoload.php";
require_once "MyReport.php";

$report = new MyReport;

Export engines has three pdf export engines which are headless chrome, wkhtmltopdf, and phantomjs. Here're examples to use them:




Headless chrome has more features but wkhtmltopdf is faster for big files. Phantomjs has the advantage of header and footer callbacks which allow for custom header/footer for each page.

Extra settings

You may add some extra settings to guide to load your page.

    "pageWaiting"=>"load", // load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2
    "useLocalTempFolder" => true,
    "autoDeleteLocalTempFile" => true,
    "serviceHost" => "http://localhost:8000", // default value:
    "serviceUrl" => "http://localhost:8000/api/export",
Name Type Default Description Available since version
pageWaiting string "load" When to consider navigation succeeded. Other options are "domcontentloaded" page finished when all DOM is loaded; "networkidle0" page finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms; "networkidle2" page finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms. 1.0.0
useLocalTempFolder boolean false Use/create a local temporary directory instead of system temporary directory to store temporary export files 1.0.0
autoDeleteLocalTempFile boolean false Auto delete temporary export files after exporting 1.0.0
serviceHost string Choose KoolReport's cloud server or your local export server 4.0.0
serviceUrl string {serviceHost}/api/export To be used if you want another export route other than /api/export 4.0.0

Export options

PDF for headless chrome engine

The pdf() method will help to generate pdf file. It takes an array as parameter defining options for your PDF. Below are available options.

Name Type Default Description
scale number 1 Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. Scale amount must be between 0.1 and 2
displayHeaderFooter bool false Display header and footer.
headerTemplate string HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them: pageNumber current page number; totalPages total pages in the document;
footerTemplate string HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the headerTemplate
printBackground bool false Print background graphics.
landscape bool false Paper orientation.
pageRanges string Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
format string Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Defaults to 'Letter'.
width string/number Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
height string/number Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
margin object Paper margins, defaults to none. It has 4 sub properties: top, right, bottom, left which can take number or string with units

All options could be found at this link Headless Chrome pdf options



PDF for wkhtmltopdf engine

All options could be found at this link, section Global Options Wkhtmltopdf Docs



PDF options in view file for both headless chrome and wkhtmltopdf engines

Some pdf options could be set directly in the PDF view file instead of pdf() method.

header and footer

In the view file, use header and footer tags to set pdf's header and footer template:


<!-- Headless chrome pdf template -->
    <div id="header-template" 
        style="font-size:10px !important; color:#808080; padding-left:10px">
        <span>Header: </span>
        <span id='pageNum' class="pageNumber"></span>
        <img src='' />

Headless chrome: If either header or footer tag exists, pdf options' displayHeaderFooter will be true. PDF options' headerTemplate and footerTemplate options take priority over view file's header and footer tags. With header and footer tags, if there's no font-size style, a default style "font-size:10x" is used. Header and footer tags supports place holders like {date}, {title}, etc and img tag with link-type src. For img tag pdf options' headerTemplate and footerTemplate only support base64-type src.

<!-- Wkhtmltopdf pdf template -->

Wkhtmltopdf: The exact html content of the header and footer tags including img tags will be used as pdf header and footer with some substituted variables.


In the view file, use the body tag's margin style to set pdf margin:


<body style='margin: 1in 0.5in 1in 0.5in'>

If either header or footer tag exists but there's no body's margin top or bottom, a default margin top or bottom of 1 inch will be used

No template option

If you don't have any header/footer/margin in your template files, you could speed up pdf generating with noTemplateOption property:


JPG for headless chrome

The jpg() help to generate JPG file. It take an array as parameter defining options for your JPG. Below are list of properties:

Name Type Default Description
quality number The quality of the image, between 0-100.
fullPage bool false When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page.
clip object An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Should have the following fields: x is the x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area, y is y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area, width is the width of clipping area and height is the height of clipping area.
omitBackground bool false Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency.
encoding string "binary" The encoding of the image, can be either base64 or binary



PNG for headless chrome

The png() help to generate PNG file. It take an array as parameter defining options for your PNG. Below are list of properties:

Name Type Default Description
fullPage bool false When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page.
clip object An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Should have the following fields: x is the x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area, y is y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area, width is the width of clipping area and height is the height of clipping area.
omitBackground bool false Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency.
encoding string "binary" The encoding of the image, can be either base64 or binary



Get results

In all above examples we use method toBrowser() to send the file to browser for user to download. Here are all options:

Method Return Description
toBrowser($filename,$openOnBrowser) Force user to download file or open the file on browser if $openOnBrowser is set to true
toString() string Return filename as string
toBase64() string Return content of file in base64
saveAs($path) Save the file to specific location

