This is my new portfolio. I made this portfolio to showcase my projects and introduce myself to the clients. I changed everything from the previous version of my portfolio.
- This portfolio still not responsive yet.
- Using GSAP Animation
- app.js file still very messy since I'm not using timeline for GSAP animating.
*Here's the GSAP CDNs. In case you wanna use it.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
In GSAP we have three basic function:
gsap.from() // 1 // 2
gsap.fromTo() // 3
- The first function is animating an element from the condition that we given in the GSAP function to the condition in our CSS.
- The second function is animating an element from the condition in our CSS to the condition in our GSAP function.
- In the third function we need to define the from and to condition in the GSAP function.
Here's my 'more detailed' documentation link and other resource that I hope will help you.