The install script can be found here.
curl -L -sSf | sh
Precompiled binaries can be found in the releases page.
Since the program needs to be compiled, Rust is a requirement.
git clone
cargo install --locked --path vt
The CLI uses the list endpoint which costs 1 out of 10,000 quota.
# Set your YouTube API key from
vt config set apikey
# Add a channel for checking streams
vt channel add iori UCN5bD1YYapThOeadG7YkBOA # or aliased: vt ch set iori UCN5bD1YYapThOeadG7YkBOA
# Check all your set aliases
vt channel list
# Get live and upcoming streams
vt get iori
# [live] 【MINECRAFT】地下大冒険開始!無事生き延びれるのかっ!?going underground again:)【白鹿いおり Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ started: 2 hours ago
# [upcoming] 【One Hand Clapping #1】響かせるぜ美しきビブラァトォ~【白鹿いおり Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in 6 days
# [upcoming] 【Mafia Ⅲ: Definitive Edition】part 12! second mob lieutenant! on Twitch【白鹿いおり Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in a week
# Create a list
vt lists create phase
# Add a channels to the list
vt lists add iori
vt lists add nasa
# Check the channels in a list
vt lists get phase
# [upcoming] 【コラボ対談】貴方はどうして天体が好き?【phase connect】
# ├─ channel: Nasa Ch. 転寝ナサ 【Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in 14 hours
# [upcoming] 【Duolingo】Learning Spanish for my First Time! on Twitch/スペイン語を勉強するよ【白鹿いおり Phase Connect】
# ├─ channel: Iori Ch. 白鹿いおり【Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in 3 days
# [upcoming] 【AmongUs】ワールドワイドな選手たち!【phase connect】
# ├─ channel: Nasa Ch. 転寝ナサ 【Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in 3 days
# [upcoming] 【Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes】天才二人にかかれば爆弾処理くらいおゆーwwwwな件について。w/@PinaPengin 【白鹿いおり Phase Connect】
# ├─ channel: Iori Ch. 白鹿いおり【Phase Connect】
# ├─ url:
# └─ scheduled: in 4 days