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Staffeli NT Technology

Getting Started

With Staffeli, we work with local course clones. We aim to keep these clones compatible with git.

We recommend that you create a local directory canvas, absalon, or similar, for all of you Canvas-related local course clones.

Obtain your personal Canvas token

Staffeli needs some initial help to be able to login with your credentials. You need to generate a token for Staffeli to use, and save it in your home directory in a file with the name .canvas.token.

NB! This is your personal token so do not share it with others, else they can easily impersonate you using a tool like Staffeli. Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, Canvas has no means to segregate or specialize tokens, so this is really "all or nothing".

Install required libraries

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Or you can install in a virtual environment:

  1. Create a virtual environment called env.

    On macOS and Linux:

    $ python3 -m venv env

    On Windows:

    $ py -m venv env
  2. Activate env

    On macOS and Linux:

    $ source env/bin/activate

    On Windows:

    $ .\env\Scripts\activate
  3. Now install the requirements for staffeli_nt in env

    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Fetch Submissions for an Assignment

There are multiple options for fetching submissions.

The general command is python <staffeli_nt_path> download <course_id> <template.yaml> <assignment-dir> [flags], where

  • <staffeli_nt_path> is the path to the directory where staffeli_nt is located, i.e. where the files and etc. can be found.
  • <course_id> is the canvas course_id for the course.
  • <template.yaml> is the template file to use when generating the grade.yml file for each submission
  • <assignment_dir> is a non-existing directory, that staffeli will create and store the submissions in.

Since staffeli_nt is written in python3, you will need to invoke it via your python3 interpreter. Example: python <staffeli_nt_path> download <course_id> <template.yml> <assignment-dir> [flags]

Fetching all submissions:
To fetch all submissions from the course with id 12345, using the template-file ass1-template.yml and create a new directory "ass1dir" to store the submissions in:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> download 12345 ass1-template.yml ass1dir

This will present you with a list of assignments for the course, where you will interactively choose which assignment to fetch. For each submission, a directory will be created in <assignment_dir>, in which the handed-in files of the submission will be stored, alongside a file grade.yml generated form the <template.yml> for a TA to fill out during grading of the assignment. Submission comments, if any, will be downloaded as well, and stored alongside grade.yml and the files of the hand-in.

In case the student hands in a file called grade.yml it will be overwritten by staffeli. If the student hands in a file called submission_comments.txt and has written submission comments on the submission, the downloaded submission comments will be renamed.


Fetching all submissions for a section

What we call "Hold", canvas/absalon calls sections. To fetch all submissions for an assignment, where the student belongs to a given section, and the <course_id> is 12345:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> download 12345 ass1-template.yml ass1dir --select-section

This will present you with a list of assignments for the course, where you will interactively choose which assignment to fetch, followed by a list of sections for you to choose from.

Fetching specific submissions (based on kuid)

It is possible to fetch specific submissions based on a list of kuids. To do this, create a YAML-file with the following format:

- kuid1
- kuid2
- kuid3
- kuid4
- kuid5

To then fetch all submissions for an assignment for a given TA:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> download <course_id> ass1-template.yml ass1dir --select-ta ta_list.yml

where ta_list.yml is a YAML-file following the above format.

This will present you with a list of assignments for the course, where you will interactively choose which assignment to fetch, followed by the list of TA's from your ta_list.yml file. Selecting a TA, will fetch submissions from each kuid in the file, associated with the chosen TA, i.e. selecting TA1 will fetch submission from kuid1, kuid2 and kuid3.

Automatically running onlineTA for each submission

In the template.yml-file you can add a field:


This will (attempt to) run onlineTA for each downloaded submission.

Fetching only ungraded submissions (resubs)

It is possile to only fetch submissions that are either ungraded or have a score < 1.0. Currently this is implemented specifically for the PoP-course and might not be available in the current form in later releases. This can be achieved by appending the --resub flag to any use of the download subcommand.

Upload Feedback and grades

Use python <staffeli_nt_path> upload <template.yaml> <assignment-dir> [--live] [--step]. The default to do a dry run, that is not to upload anything unless the --live flag is given.

For instance, to review all feedback for submissions in the directory ass1 before uploading:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> upload ass1-template.yml ass1 --step

To upload all feedback for submissions in the directory ass1:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> upload ass1-template.yml ass1 --live

To upload feedback for a single submission:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> upload-single <POINTS> <meta.yml> <grade.yml> <feedback.txt> [--live]

To generate feedback.txt locally for submissions in the directory ass1:

$ python <staffeli_nt_path> upload ass1-template.yml ass1 --write-local

Template format

A (minimal) template could look like:

name: Mini assignment

  - overall:
      title: Overall
      points: 6
      rubric: |
        Some default feedback.

        Your code and report are unreadable.

        Wow, that's really clever.

Optional fields

The template files support a few optional fields.

  • passing-points: N: Adding this field will have the effect, that the grade posted is 1 if the total sum of points is greater than or equal to passing-points, and 0 otherwise.

  • show-points: BOOL Setting show-points to false will exclude the points/grade from the generated feedback.txt files. Use this, if you do not want the students to see the points-per-task, but only receive an overall grade.

  • onlineTA: ADDR Include this field to (attempt to) run onlineTA at address ADDR for each submission, when downloading submissions.

Fully fledged example template

name: Mega assignment
passing-points: 42
show-points: false

  - megaAssignmentGeneral:
      title: Mega assignment - General comments and adherence to hand-in format requirements
      points: 100
      rubric: |
        [*] You should spell check your assignments before handing them in
        [-] You are using the charset iso-8859-1. Please move to the modern age.
        [-] Your zip-file contains a lot of junk. Please be aware of what you hand in.

  - megaAssignmentTask1:
      title: Task 1
      points: 2
      rubric: |
        [+] Your implementation follows the API
        [-] Your implementation does not follow the API
        [+] Your tests are brilliant
        [-] Your tests are not tests, just print-statements.
            This is equivalent to an exam without an examinator, where you shout
            in a room for half an hour and give yourself the grade 12.

  - megaAssignmentTask2:
      title: Task 2
      points: 2
      rubric: |
        [+] Very good points.
        [+] Very good points. However, I disagree with ...
        [-] I fail to comprehend you answer to this task.

  - megaAssignmentBonusTask:
      title: Bonus tasks that do not give points, or another option for general comments
      rubric: |
        [*] You did extra work! It won't help you though.


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