Build | |
.NET Core, angular |
Code: VS2017 msbuild | VS2015 project.json
OAuth2 Implicit Flow with AngularJS and ASP.NET Core 1.1 IdentityServer4
Authorization Policies and Data Protection with IdentityServer4 in ASP.NET Core
AngularJS OpenID Connect Implicit Flow with IdentityServer4
Angular OpenID Connect Implicit Flow with IdentityServer4
Secure file download using IdentityServer4, Angular and ASP.NET Core
Angular secure file download without using an access token in URL or cookies
Full Server logout with IdentityServer4 and OpenID Connect Implicit Flow
IdentityServer4, WebAPI and Angular in a single ASP.NET Core project
Extending Identity in IdentityServer4 to manage users in ASP.NET Core
Implementing a silent token renew in Angular for the OpenID Connect Implicit flow
OpenID Connect Session Management using an Angular application and IdentityServer4
2017.06.23: Updated auth module to version 1.0.3 , Angular 4.2.4, Webpack 2.6.1, typescript 2.3.4
2017.06.11: Supporting OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 , Angular 4.2.1
2017.06.09: Supporting OpenID well known endpoints
2017.06.09: Logging can be turned off or on for the auto security module
2017.06.08: Updated using angular style guide, and refactored code
2017.06.02: Implemented silent renew for Angular 4 OpenID Connect Implicit flow and OpenID Connect Session Management
2017.04.16: Updated to IdentityServer4 1.5.1, angular 4.1.3 and updated all other nuget packages
2017.04.16: Updated to IdentityServer4 1.5.0, angular 4.0.2
2017.04.11: Updated to IdentityServer4 1.4.2, angular 4.0.1, dev npm packages, angular OpenID Connect Implicit Flow Client configuration
2017.03.24: Updated to angular 4.0.0
2017.03.20: Updated to angular 2.4.10, oidc client validation, IdentityServer4 1.3.1
2017.02.15: Updated to VS2017 csproj, angular 2.4.7, webpack 2.2.1
2017.01.07: Updated to IdentityServer4 1.0.0
2016.12.18: Updated to IdentityServer4 rc5, ASP.NET Core 1.1
2016.12.04: Updated to IdentityServer4 rc4
2016.11.18: Updated to Angular 2.2.0, IdentityServer4 rc3
2016.10.08: Updated to IdentityServer4 rc2
2016.09.18: ASP.NET Core 1.0.1
2016.09.13: Updated to IdentityServer4 RC1 with ASP.NET Core Identity and SQLite
2016.08.11: Updated to IdentityServer4 1.0.0-beta5
2016.07.03: Updated to ASP.NET Core RTM and IdentityServer4 1.0.0-beta4-update1
2016.06.26: Updated IdentityServer4 beta 3
22.05.2016: Updated to ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2 dotnet
2016.01.15: Updated to IdentityServer4
2015.11.18: Updated to ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1