Flight Plan Manager
- Import and save flight plans
- Filter flight plans
- View map of plan
- Rate flight plans
- Get type of flight plan (VFR/IFR)
- Capture Departure, Destination and Total Distance
- Add comments to flight plans, such as who flown with or personal notes
- Sort and (filter coming soon) data on the screen
To deploy this project unzip to any location and execute FlightPlanManager.exe
I'm a full stack developer with over 30 years experience. I used to use older version of Micrsoft Flight Simulator (up to FS9) before taking a long break from the hobby.
I was drawn back when MSFS2020 came out and have since build a small home cockpit with a mixture of home built button boxes and store bought components.
This is my first attempt at writing software to integrate with the simulator.
Contributions are always welcome!
Feel free to create a branch and commit any changes. All pull requests will be reviewed before inclusion in the project.