A cross platform mobile app to dive into the concepts of react-native using Expo by Mosh Hamedani written in Typescript.
Install expo-cli:
sudo npm i -g expo-cli
Install expo-client on your phone
Go to /usr/local/lib/node_modules and
sudo rm -rf expo-client
sudo rm .expo-cli-dKBr48UN
Install again expo-cli. It make take some time to complete the installation.
expo update
clone the project
select master branch
Navigate to the root folder:
npm install
expo start
Make sure your correct local ip address is used both on front & back end.
In case you get the following error
[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Error getting a push token]
make use you have logged in to your expo account via
expo login
Go to this github repo, then click release-page and download the latest amd54.deb for ubuntu to get an executable. Install the executable and use this like all other app in your computer. Source
rnfs - react native functional component with style