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187 lines (135 loc) · 7.28 KB



Table of contents


Click any file to go to it directly.

Filename Description
.multitailrc This is a file for MultiTail with smtplatrine color scheme :)
apache2_vhost.conf Quick template for creating vhost in Apache2 to smtplatrine
create_selfsigned_cert.php Create a packed PEM certificate file Quick script to test sql import or to see how it's done
generate_www_password.php Script to generate bcrypt hash string for admin user or to restore a password
maxmind_geo_test.php Quick file to test if your Maxmind setup works Script to display GIT Graph visualizing your work while working! Script to help you debug networking if the server/clients work
phpmailer_example.php Script to test sending email's! Really handy! - Quick testing and debug output! This file duh!
smtplatrine_database_missing.sql SMTPLATRINE Database Template (SQL) - Tables CREATE IF NOT EXIST
smtplatrine_database_scratch.sql SMTPLATRINE Database Template (SQL) - Only use for clean install
smtplatrine_database_tables.sql SMTPLATRINE Database Template (SQL) - Tables DROP/CREATE fresh
smtplatrine.service Systemd service file for smtplatrine
telnet_smtp_example.txt Telnet/SMTP command step by step for sending a mail for reference

SMTPLATRINE Database from scratch!


Just import it as any other SQL file dump :) Either from terminal/cli or via your preferred Database client.

cd /path/to/smtplatrine
cd contrib
mysql -u root -p < smtplatrine_database_scratch.sql

Setting up Maxmind on Debian (Quick way)

We need Maxmind GEO support in order to enrich the incoming data but also to enable etc blacklisting of incoming connections based on country. So this is a must on your system in my opinion. Please don't skip, let's make it work :) Gives you such a better experience and stats related to the honeypot.

Install MAxmind geoipupdate

Hey, head on over to Maxmind and create an account.
Then grab/generate an API key and then let's rock!

apt-get update
# Remember geoipupdate is part of non-free apt sources
apt-get install geoipupdate

cat <<_EOF >> /etc/GeoIP.conf
EditionIDs GeoLite2-ASN GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-Country


ls -al /var/lib/GeoIP

Maxmind and PHP

apt-get update
apt-get install php-maxminddb php8.2-maxminddb

cd /path/to/smtplatrine
cd contrib
php maxmind_geo_test.php

Multitail smtplatrine custom log color scheme! :D

I know this is perhaps a bit overboard, but when developing this thing i was looking at the logs 24/7 and in all sort of modes. DEBUG can be very "lively" lol. So i opt-in on finding a way to look at the log with les "eye clutter" and that is typically just to give lines you want to see a more prominent color/contrast and those you don't want to see less contrast or dull colors... In a terminal you are limited, but bold tend to be a nice contrast etc and then white/bright colors vs cyan.

What to expect ?

Here is an example of the color scheme.

Multitail color scheme example

How to use

So i made this config file for multitail to use it cp it to your home folder's root path.

cp contrib./multitail ~/

Now then just run it normally as you would against the file:

cd /path/to/smtplatrine
cd logs
multitail smtplatrine.log

Systemd - Setup smtplatrine step by step

I use systemd, you might not - I do.
What ever way floats your boat you should go with that. If you use systemd to then you're in luck, as i have prepared it all. Enjoy!

Installation steps

  1. Copy the systemd service file to it's right place:
cp contrib/smtplatrine.service /etc/systemd/system/
  1. Reload the daemon to catch new service file:
systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Done! Run with it "as-is" and do start / stop manually:
systemctl start smtplatrine.service  
systemctl stop smtplatrine.service
  1. (Optional) Enable service to automatically start on boot/startup:
systemctl enable smtplatrine.service

Check to see if it's running

To see if it's running okay you can use systemd's status command and you should get an output similar to the one below. If you do not, then you need to look at logs and debug the problem yourself. In most cases it's typically file permissions that are wrong. Try doing chmod 755 smtplatrine on the main file.

systemd - status of a running smtplatrine

# sudo systemd status smtplatrine

● smtplatrine.service - SMTPLATRINE - A SMTP Honeypot
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/smtplatrine.service; disabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-05-13 08:54:04 CEST; 35s ago
   Main PID: 194210 (php)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 9475)
     Memory: 9.9M
        CPU: 30ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/smtplatrine.service
             └─194210 smtplatrine

May 13 08:54:04 web systemd[1]: Started smtplatrine.service - SMTPLATRINE - A SMTP Honeypot.


These notes are just me dotting down random things i need to remember or that i believe i might need in the future but really don't want to remember :)

Or it might just be what i think is a good idea at the time and therefore want to make sure i don't forget it :D

Graphical/Layout constraints

This is just for my own benefit, i don't think i will get around to work on the actual web page for a long time. So to not forget. The logo and image assets i just whooped up quickly on a online web editor. Has to be fine, it's just a honeypot :D

Logo colors:

  • #411900
  • #6E1005

Good background color?

  • #021B2A