- Exploring the vast sea of open source and finding interesting ( useful at the same time ) projects to contribute towards. Needless to say, I also host my personal projects here ( code & workflows ), along with elaborate documentation on their functionality, architecture and deployment instructions. Some of the projects have also seen active community participation, after being developed to a mature state by me, with a number of successfully merged prs and several closed issues.

- 🗃️ My Stacks 👉 RUST(Warp/Tokio), MERN , Python (Django/Fastapi/Flask)
- 🤖 profile.. SDE/ Solutions Architect
- 💡 I’m interested in ...Embedded Systems, Autonomous Navigation, GPU Computation and Generative AI.
- ❄️ I’m looking to collaborate on... interesting Open Source Projects.
- 🤝 Get in touch to.. collaborate or for programming competetions / hackathons (Team)
- 🎨 I’m currently involved in... building stuff, contributing to the community, and exploring!
- Professionally, I'm working as a Software Engineer building products for tech startups. My focus and primary feild of interest lies in distributed systems and cloud native application design, placing a strong emphasis on system level thinking and quality code. Also, I've evolved over time to strengthen my skill-set in the domains of AI/ML, Data Engineering and Systems Programming with good practical applications in each.
- 📩 How to reach me ... check out my socials below👇!!