Web Development 101 by TechDrill initiative is open to everyone who is interested in getting started with Web development. We will start right from the basics of HTML, CSS & JavaScript. And, by the end of the week, participants can create their own web pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Sr No | Topics to be covered | Resources |
1. | Web Fundamentals & Intro to HTML | Link |
2. | HTML Practical Labs | Link |
3. | Intro to CSS and Codelab | Link |
4. | CSS Practical Lab | Link |
5. | Intro to JavaScript and Codelab | Link |
6. | JavaScript Practical Lab | Link |
7. | JavaScript Advance and Mini Project | Link |
Create a Personal Portfolio website by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and optionally you can also create a GitHub Search Engine by using the concept of Fetch API.
Submit your project here before 10th Aug 2021.
Single-Page Personal Portfolio Website
- Use this WireFrame to build the layout of the webpages
- Be creative and feel free to make the website look more appealing
- Host the website on GitHub Pages and Submit the URL
[Optional] GitHub Search Engine - Build a Search Engine to view GitHub users data using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and GitHub API
- Use an Input Field to capture the GitHub username
- Consume the GitHub API to fetch the data using the username
- You can showcase followers, following, repositories, organizations and much more
- Be creative and feel free to make the website look more appealing
- Host the website on GitHub pages and Submit the URL
Please reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter if you need any help or want to share your feedback.
Do support us by giving a ⭐ to the repository! :-)
This repository is published under the MIT license.