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Simple tools for Python language to plot learning curves of a neural network model trained with the keras or scikit-learn framework.


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Simple tools for Python language to plot learning curves of a neural network model trained with the keras or scikit-learn framework.

Currently the lcurvetools package provides three functions: lcurves_by_history, history_concatenate and lcurves_by_MLP_estimator.

NOTE: All of the plotting examples below are for interactive Python mode in Jupyter-like environments. If you are in non-interactive mode you may need to explicitly call to display the window with built plots on your screen.

Table of contents


The easiest way to install the lcurvetools package for the first time is using pip:

pip install lcurvetools

To update a previously installed package to the latest version, use the command:

pip install lcurvetools --upgrade

The lcurves_by_history function to plot learning curves by the history attribute of the keras History object

Neural network model training with keras is performed using the fit method. The method returns the History object with the history attribute which is dictionary and contains keys with training and validation values of losses and metrics, as well as learning rate values at successive epochs. The lcurves_by_history function uses the History.history dictionary to plot the learning curves as the dependences of the above values on the epoch index.

Usage scheme

  • Import the keras module and the lcurves_by_history function:
import keras
from lcurvetools import lcurves_by_history
model = keras.Model(...) # or keras.Sequential(...)
hist =
  • Use hist.history dictionary to plot the learning curves as the dependences of values of all keys in the dictionary on an epoch index with automatic recognition of keys of losses, metrics and learning rate:

Typical appearance of the output figure

The appearance of the output figure depends on the list of keys in the hist.history dictionary, which is determined by the parameters of the compile and fit methods of the model. For example, for a typical usage of these methods, the list of keys would be ['loss', 'accuracy', 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'] and the output figure will contain 2 subplots with loss and metrics vertical axes and might look like this:

model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
hist =, y_train, validation_split=0.1, epochs=50)

typical plot of learning curves Note: minimum values of loss curves and the maximum values of metric curves are marked by points.

Of course, if the metrics parameter of the compile method is not specified, then the output figure will not contain a metric subplot.

Usage of callbacks for the fit method can add new keys to the hist.history dictionary. For example, the ReduceLROnPlateau callback adds the lr key with learning rate values for successive epochs. In this case the output figure will contain additional subplot with learning rate vertical axis in a logarithmic scale and might look like this:

hist =, y_train, validation_split=0.1, epochs=50,

figure with learning rate subplot

Customizing appearance of the output figure

The lcurves_by_history function has optional parameters to customize the appearance of the output figure. For example, the epoch_range_to_scale option allows to specify the epoch index range within which the subplots of the losses and metrics are scaled.

  • If epoch_range_to_scale is a list or a tuple of two int values, then they specify the epoch index limits of the scaling range in the form [start, stop), i.e. as for slice and range objects.
  • If epoch_range_to_scale is an int value, then it specifies the lower epoch index start of the scaling range, and the losses and metrics subplots are scaled by epochs with indices from start to the last.

So, you can exclude the first 5 epochs from the scaling range as follows:

lcurves_by_history(hist.history, epoch_range_to_scale=5);

figure with custom scaling

For a description of other optional parameters of the lcurves_by_history function to customize the appearance of the output figure, see its docstring.

The lcurves_by_history function returns a numpy array or a list of the matplotlib.axes.Axes objects corresponded to the built subplots from top to bottom. So, you can use the methods of these objects to customize the appearance of the output figure.

axs = lcurves_by_history(history, initial_epoch=1, epoch_range_to_scale=6)
axs[0].tick_params(axis="x", labeltop=True)
axs[-1].set_xlabel('number of passed epochs')

figure with adjusted axes

The history_concatenate function to concatenate two History.history dictionaries

This function is useful for combining histories of model fitting with two or more runs into a single history to plot full learning curves.

Usage scheme

  • Import the keras module and the history_concatenate, lcurves_by_history function:
import keras
from lcurvetools import history_concatenate, lcurves_by_history
model = keras.Model(...) # or keras.Sequential(...)
hist1 =
  • Compile as needed and fit using possibly other parameter values:
model.compile(...) # optional
hist2 =
  • Concatenate the .history dictionaries into one:
full_history = history_concatenate(hist1.history, hist2.history)
  • Use full_history dictionary to plot full learning curves:

The lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function to plot learning curves of the scikit-learn MLP estimator

The scikit-learn library provides 2 classes for building multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models of classification and regression: MLPClassifier and MLPRegressor. After creation and fitting of these MLP estimators with using early_stopping=True the MLPClassifier and MLPRegressor objects have the loss_curve_ and validation_scores_ attributes with train loss and validation score values at successive epochs. The lcurves_by_history function uses the loss_curve_ and validation_scores_ attributes to plot the learning curves as the dependences of the above values on the epoch index.

Usage scheme

  • Import the MLPClassifier (or MLPRegressor) class and the lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function:
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from lcurvetools import lcurves_by_MLP_estimator
  • Create and fit the scikit-learn MLP estimator:
clf = MLPClassifier(..., early_stopping=True)
  • Use clf object with loss_curve_ and validation_scores_ attributes to plot the learning curves as the dependences of loss and validation score values on epoch index:

Typical appearance of the output figure

The lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function with default value of the parameter on_separate_subplots=False shows the learning curves of loss and validation score on one plot with two vertical axes scaled independently. Loss values are plotted on the left axis and validation score values are plotted on the right axis. The output figure might look like this:

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator on one plot

Note: the minimum value of loss curve and the maximum value of validation score curve are marked by points.

Customizing appearance of the output figure

The lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function has optional parameters to customize the appearance of the output figure. For example,the lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function with on_separate_subplots=True shows the learning curves of loss and validation score on two separated subplots:

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator(clf, on_separate_subplots=True);

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator on two subplot

And the epoch_range_to_scale option allows to specify the epoch index range within which the subplots of the losses and metrics are scaled (see details about this option in the docstring of the lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function).

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator(clf, epoch_range_to_scale=10);

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator - custom scaling

For a description of other optional parameters of the lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function to customize the appearance of the output figure, see its docstring.

The lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function returns a numpy array or a list of the matplotlib.axes.Axes objects of an output figure (see additional details in the Returns section of the lcurves_by_MLP_estimator function docstring). So, you can use the methods of these objects to customize the appearance of the output figure.

axs = lcurves_by_MLP_estimator(clf, initial_epoch=1, epoch_range_to_scale=11)
axs[0].grid(axis='y', visible=False)
axs[1].grid(axis='y', visible=False)
axs[0].set_xlabel('number of passed epochs')
axs[1].set_ylabel('validation accuracy');

lcurves_by_MLP_estimator - adjusted axes


Simple tools for Python language to plot learning curves of a neural network model trained with the keras or scikit-learn framework.








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