This is a fullstack pet-project that I do in my free time.
Main framework for this project is Next.js 13. The database for the backend is MongoDB, and querying is realised with Prisma.
Project is not completed and is subject to change.
Production deployment on Vercel: Click to go
We experience issues with DB right now.
You can run demo by cloning this repository and running:
npm run dev
You also should create a .env file to store some environment variables. There are 7 of them:
DATABASE_URL= // URL to your MongoDB database.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET= // Any string to be secret for auth
GITHUB_ID= // ID for Github OAuth
GITHUB_SECRET= // Secret for Github OAuth
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= // ID for Google OAuth
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= // Secret for Google OAuth
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= // Cloud name on Cloudinary service. Used as CDN to store images.