The App Contains some basic functionality listed below :
- Firebase authentication with Email and Sign In with Google Account.
- The Email sign will send a verification email after setting up the password
- And Sign In with Google Account Works with just a simple click and then user has to select his/her Google Account
- User can create contacts with with name, contact number and location detail.
- The location is added with the help of Google Place API
- Contacts are stored in firebase database.
- The Dabase is stored on Clound Storage i.e on Firestore
- User can update, delete and see the list of contacts that he/she has created.
- User can update the details like contact number, name and can also change the location
- User can click on a button on the contact and can see the location which he/she has added to the contact.
- If the user didn't add contact location then default location is somewhere in antarctica i.e with latitude = 0 and longitude = 0 (if he click's to check location of contact then the map will point to the specified region)
- At the time of update if user doesn't want to change any detail he can simply click Update