This is the .github
repository for LabCAS, which defines the policies, various templates, default workflows, security reporting apparatus, etc., for all repositories for open-source software developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other institutions and contributors.
Inside are files and directories that are used to provide reasonable defaults for interaction of and operation with GitHub, which is used by LabCAS projects. These include:
- Code of Conduct defines our ethical standards.
- Code Owners Configuration tells GitHub how to assign reviewers to pull requests.
- Contributors' Guide tells how to contribute to our open-source projects.
- Security Reporter's Guide gives information on how to report security-related problems.
- The Apache License 2.0 is the open-source license we've adopted for all our projects.
- There's a Pull Request Template that gives code contributors a way to make sure they've dotted all the
s and crossed all thet
Forthcoming: issue templates.