Adds a similar_#{model_name.plural}
instance and class method to an active record model, but can be set to any name using as: {method name}
The instance method returns models that have associated models in common ordered by most in common first.
A practical example for this could be linking to related blog posts when rendering an individual blog post. Related blog posts could be related by author, tag or author and tag combined.
The class method returns models ordered by most associated models in common.
A practical example for this could be displaying a list of blog post authors who have written many posts and/or have written posts with other authors who themselves have written many posts.
If the commonality count is the same then a second order clause of created_at
takes precedence if present.
The association(s) have to be many to many, so either habtm or has_many :through.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'similar_models'
And then run:
$ bundle
Post example
class Post < ApplicationRecord
has_many :author_posts
has_many :authors, through: :author_posts
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
has_similar_models :authors
has_similar_models :tags, as: :similar_posts_by_tag
has_similar_models :authors, :tags, as: :similar_posts_by_author_and_tag
class Tag < ApplicationRecord
class Author < ApplicationRecord
has_many :author_posts
class AuthorPosts < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :author
belongs_to :post
To return posts with authors in common with the post
model by most in common first:
To return posts ordered by most authors in common:
The returned object is an ActiveRecord::Relation and so chaining of other query methods is possible:
post.similar_posts.where(created_at: 10.days.ago..).limit(5)
To return posts with tags in common with the post
model by most in common first:
To return posts ordered by most tags in common:
To return posts with the authors and tags in common with the post
model by most in common first:
To return posts ordered by most authors and tags in common:
The count of the associated models in common is accessible on each returned model:
Note multiple associations for the instance method do not work with sqlite.
Pagination is not supported on the instance method due to the use of group by
If you use mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on and want to find related users say across multiple contexts:
user.similar_users.where(taggings: { context: %w(skills interests) })
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git commit -am 'Add some feature'
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git push origin my-new-feature
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