Please check out
typescript.nvim, a
minimal typescript-language-server
integration plugin written in TypeScript.
You are free to use nvim-lsp-ts-utils in its current state (or copy the functionality you need into your Neovim config) but it will no longer receive updates or bug fixes.
Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.
Neovim 0.6.0+
nvim-lspconfig, which you are (probably) already using to configure
Organize imports (exposed as
)Async by default. A sync variant is available and exposed as
(useful for running on save). -
Rename file and update imports (exposed as
)Enter a new path (based on the current file's path) and watch the magic happen.
Import all missing imports (exposed as
)Gets all code actions, then matches against the action's title to determine whether it's an import action. Also organizes imports afterwards to merge imports from the same source.
depends ontsserver
diagnostics, meaning that the function won't work for JavaScript files unless you set"checkJs": true
.By default, the command will resolve conflicting imports by checking other imports in the same file and other open buffers. In Git repositories, it will check project files to improve accuracy. You can alter the weight given to each factor by modifying
(see below). This feature has a minimal performance impact, but you can disable it entirely by settingimport_all_priorities
will also scan the content of other open buffers to resolve import priority, limited byimport_all_scan_buffers
. This has a positive impact on import accuracy but may affect performance when run with a large number (100+) of loaded buffers.Instead of priority, you could also set
, which will prompt you to choose from the available options when there's a conflict. -
Import missing import under cursor (exposed as
)Adds the missing import under the cursor. Affected by the same options as
. -
Import on completion
Adds missing imports on completion confirm (
) when using the built-in LSPomnifunc
. Enable by settingenable_import_on_completion
(see below). -
Avoid organizing imports
By default
is set totrue
, every call to:TSLspImportAll
will also run:TSLspOrganize
to fix possible duplicated imports.If
is set tofalse
, it will only run:TSLspOrganize
in situations where is necessary: i.e. two new imports from the same module. -
Fix invalid ranges
uses non-compliant ranges in some code actions (most notably "Move to a new file"), which makes them not work properly in Neovim. The plugin fixes these ranges so that the affected actions work as expected.You can enable this feature by calling
in your configuration (see below). -
Inlay hints (exposed as
has added experimental support for inlay hints as of Typescript v4.4.2. Note that you need to setinit_options
for this feature to work. Please see Setup for instructions.Supports the following settings:
(boolean): Set inlay hints on every new buffer visited automatically. Note that it would stop doing so if you call:TSDisableInlayHints
and will continue if you call:TSLspInlayHints
. If false, you need to call:TSInlayHints
for every buffer to see its inlay hints. Defaults totrue
. -
(string): Highlight group used for inlay hints. Defaults to "Comment". -
(number): Priority of the hint extmarks. Change this value if the inlay hints conflict with other extmarks. Defaults to 200. -
(number): Throttle time of inlay hints requests in ms. Defaults to 150. -
(table): Format options for individual kind of inlay hints. See Setup section for default settings and example.
Some tsserver
diagnostics may be annoying or can result in duplicated
messages when used with a linter. For example, to disable the hint about
RequireJS modules, set filter_out_diagnostics_by_code
to { 80001 }
and to
disable all hints, set filter_out_diagnostics_by_severity
to { "hint" }
Like fixing invalid ranges, this function requires calling setup_client
your configuration (see below).
Note: filtering out error code 2304 (unused variables) will break
Update imports on file move
Watches the root directory for file move / rename events and updates imports accordingly. The plugin will attempt to determine if the current root directory has a Git root and watch all non-ignored directories.
Supports the following settings:
(boolean): enables this feature. Set tofalse
by default. -
(boolean): iftrue
, prompts for confirmation before updating imports. Set tofalse
by default. -
(string, nil): sets a fallback directory that the plugin will watch for changes if it can't find a Git root from the current root directory. Path is relative to the current root directory. Set tonil
by default.
Note that if the root directory does not have a Git root and
or fails to resolve, the plugin will not enable file watching. This is to prevent performance issues from watchingnode_modules
and irreversible changes from modifying files not under version control. -
Install using your favorite plugin manager and add to your
nvim-lspconfig tsserver.setup
An example showing the available settings and their defaults:
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
-- Needed for inlayHints. Merge this table with your settings or copy
-- it from the source if you want to add your own init_options.
init_options = require("nvim-lsp-ts-utils").init_options,
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local ts_utils = require("nvim-lsp-ts-utils")
-- defaults
debug = false,
disable_commands = false,
enable_import_on_completion = false,
-- import all
import_all_timeout = 5000, -- ms
-- lower numbers = higher priority
import_all_priorities = {
same_file = 1, -- add to existing import statement
local_files = 2, -- git files or files with relative path markers
buffer_content = 3, -- loaded buffer content
buffers = 4, -- loaded buffer names
import_all_scan_buffers = 100,
import_all_select_source = false,
-- if false will avoid organizing imports
always_organize_imports = true,
-- filter diagnostics
filter_out_diagnostics_by_severity = {},
filter_out_diagnostics_by_code = {},
-- inlay hints
auto_inlay_hints = true,
inlay_hints_highlight = "Comment",
inlay_hints_priority = 200, -- priority of the hint extmarks
inlay_hints_throttle = 150, -- throttle the inlay hint request
inlay_hints_format = { -- format options for individual hint kind
Type = {},
Parameter = {},
Enum = {},
-- Example format customization for `Type` kind:
-- Type = {
-- highlight = "Comment",
-- text = function(text)
-- return "->" .. text:sub(2)
-- end,
-- },
-- update imports on file move
update_imports_on_move = false,
require_confirmation_on_move = false,
watch_dir = nil,
-- required to fix code action ranges and filter diagnostics
-- no default maps, so you may want to define some here
local opts = { silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gs", ":TSLspOrganize<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gr", ":TSLspRenameFile<CR>", opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "gi", ":TSLspImportAll<CR>", opts)
You may want to set up integrations via null-ls.nvim to provide formatting, diagnostics, and code actions.
null-ls includes these integrations out-of-the-box, so they don't depend on this plugin, but since I consider them an integral part of the TypeScript development experience, I'm including instructions here for ESLint and Prettier, two common options.
To enable null-ls and set up integrations, install it via your plugin manager and add the following snippet to your LSP configuration:
local null_ls = require("null-ls")
sources = {
null_ls.builtins.diagnostics.eslint, -- eslint or eslint_d
null_ls.builtins.code_actions.eslint, -- eslint or eslint_d
null_ls.builtins.formatting.prettier -- prettier, eslint, eslint_d, or prettierd
null-ls provides other built-in sources for the JavaScript ecosystem. I've
included some alternatives above, and you can see the full list
To set up more sources, add them to the sources
table in null_ls.setup
To learn about formatting files and setting up formatting on save, check out the null-ls FAQ. To see the full list of configuration options, see the config documentation.
null-ls allows configuring built-in sources via the with
method, which you can
learn about
For example, to configure eslint
to use a project-local executable from
when available but fall back to a global executable, use this
local null_ls = require("null-ls")
sources = {
prefer_local = "node_modules/.bin",
To configure eslint
to only run when a project-local executable is available
in node_modules
, use the following:
local null_ls = require("null-ls")
sources = {
only_local = "node_modules/.bin",
You can use the same options for prettier
or any other built-in source.
is absurdly slow and you'll see a noticeable delay on each action when using it. If possible, I highly, highly recommend using eslint_d. It works out-of-the-box for diagnostics and code actions and can also work as a formatter via eslint-plugin-prettier. -
Since null-ls wraps the ESLint CLI, it may have trouble handling complex project structures. For these cases (e.g. monorepos), I recommend the ESLint language server, which can also provide diagnostics, code actions, and ESLint formatting.
- Make sure you are running the latest version of this plugin and its dependencies.
- Check your configuration and make sure it's in line with the latest version of this document.
- Set
debug = true
in your config and inspect the output in:messages
to see if it matches what you expect.
If those options don't help, please open up an issue and provide the requested information.
If you have a question or issue related to null-ls, please post a discussion question or open an issue on the null-ls repository.
Clone the repository and run make test
. The suite has the same requirements as
the plugin.
JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring: sets
intelligently based on the cursor's position in the file, meaning JSX comments work as you'd expect. -
windwp/nvim-ts-autotag: uses Treesitter to automatically close and rename JSX tags.
RRethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects: adds useful "smart" text objects that adapt to the current context.
The ESLint language server: provides ESLint code actions, diagnostics, and formatting.
Thanks to everyone who sponsors my projects and makes continued development / maintenance possible!