- Github account
- Java 8
- IntelliJ IDEA (enterprise edition recommended but community would also work)
- [For Windows only] git bash
- [Optional] TravisCI linked to your Github account
- [Optional] Codecov linked to your Github account
Go to the library-monolith directory:
cd library-monolith
To run:
$ ./gradlew bootRun
To edit with IntelliJ:
$ ./gradlew idea
$ open codemotion-library.ipr
To run tests:
$ ./gradlew test
To see the coverage
$ ./gradlew check
$ open build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
Look at the jacoco report to understand the parts of the code that need more coverage.
Hint: Try creating a test for the method borrow in the CatalogController
To check a possible solution for the exercise, execute the following commands:
$ git fetch
$ git checkout 1_monolith_with_tests