My implementation of the todo list project for The Odin Project. Try it here!
This todo list application helps users manage their tasks, with a flair of The Mandalorian from the Star Wars universe.
- CRUD functionality for todos
- Todos store their title, description, due date and priority
- Creation and deletion of projects to categorize todos
- Data persistence using localStorage
- Apply the "Single Responsibility Principle" of the SOLID principles
- Use the "Abstraction Principle" of OOP to make functions and methods simple to use
- Use the "Inheritance Principle" of OOP to reduce duplicate code for dialogs, modals and forms
- Restore methods to objects after being stored in localStorage
- Allow user to rename projects
- Allow user to move todos to a different project
- Sort todos by due date, priority, etc.
Inbox icon and trash can icon from Pictogrammers.
Mythosaur logo from Clean PNG.
Grogu favicon from Wookieepedia.