Jasmin restful management API
- Installation and cofiguration of the API below
- General Jasmin documentation http://docs.jasminsms.com/en/latest/index.html
- Jasmin management CLI, which is wrapped by the rest API http://docs.jasminsms.com/en/latest/management/jcli/modules.html
- Swagger documentation will be on the path /docs/ If you run locally with default settings this will be http://localhost:8000/docs/
Requires local_settings.py in jasmin_api/jasmin_api (same directory as settings.py) which should contain:
DEBUG = False
SECRET_KEY = '[some random string]'
set DEBUG = True for testing
By default a SQLite database will be used for storing authentication data. You can use a different database by adding a DATABASES setting to local_settings.py
You can hide the Swagger documentation, which is shown by default, by adding:
You can also override the default settings for the telnet connection in local_settings.py. These settings with their defaults are:
TELNET_USERNAME = 'jcliadmin'
TELNET_PW = 'jclipwd'
We recommend installing in a virtualenv
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
cd to jasmin_api and run:
$ ./manage.py migrate $ ./manage.py createsuperuser $ ./manage.py collectstatic
The last is only needed if you are running the production server (see below) rather than the Django dev server. It should be run again on any upgrade that changes static files. If in doubt, run it.
To run for testing and development: cd jasmin_api;./manage.py runserver
This is slower, requires DEBUG=True, and is much less secure
To run on production:
cd jasmin_api;run_cherrypy.py
This requires that you run the collectstatic command (see above) and you should have DEBUG=False
- Python 2.7 required, use of virtualenv recommended
- A command line telnet client should be installed - this is a usual with Unix type OSes
- See requirements.txt for packages installable from pypi
- Optional: libyaml would improve performance of Django REST Swagger