New Features
- d9b7ace: feat: add docker section (@jon4hz)
- 9418e1b: feat: add plex section (@jon4hz)
- a09a1b0: feat: add smart section (@jon4hz)
- 17c6c88: feat: add systemd section (@jon4hz)
- ec22a49: feat: concurrent gathering (@jon4hz)
- aef34f5: feat: different tmp limits for hdd and ssd (@jon4hz)
- 4f61f06: feat: implement config (@jon4hz)
- 71ae808: feat: kernel and cpu info (@jon4hz)
- d82ee68: feat: load average (@jon4hz)
- c24f6e2: feat: option to order sections (@jon4hz)
- 5172625: feat: pretty print platform on linux (@jon4hz)
- 7ac9abf: feat: set runtime ctx (@jon4hz)
- 5129ef5: feat: uptime (@jon4hz)
Bug fixes
- 9cc94ce: fix: config path (@jon4hz)
- c6a85a6: fix: enforce terminal colors (@jon4hz)
- cc324b1: fix: increase width to 60 (@jon4hz)
- e84ca15: fix: make uptime precision configurable (@jon4hz)
- 0a62d18: fix: move platform to pkg (@jon4hz)
- bba69c4: fix: remove call to get termsize (@jon4hz)
- e4e98e7: fix: respect global ctx timeout (@jon4hz)
- 6d47587: fix: search path (@jon4hz)
- eae4b21: fix: set defaults in sections only (@jon4hz)
- eee6585: fix: set defaults using viper (@jon4hz)
- 3102e07: fix: simplify (@jon4hz)
- 638747e: fix: stuff (@jon4hz)
- 847c2dc: fix: use = to show progress (@jon4hz)
- effbc9a: fix: use config values (@jon4hz)
- 01dd311: fix: use context where possible (@jon4hz)
- 0155ed2: fix: zpool not found when executed by pam (@jon4hz)
- b1d4fd9: chore(deps): bump github.com/charmbracelet/bubbles from 0.17.1 to 0.18.0 (#1) (@dependabot[bot])
- f101ce1: chore(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2) (@dependabot[bot])
- 14512cf: chore(deps): bump github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3 from 3.21.12 to 3.24.1 (#3) (@dependabot[bot])
- 64d5bb6: chore: change default order (@jon4hz)
- ecb234a: chore: fix typo (@jon4hz)
- fc6ec68: ci: add dependabot (@jon4hz)
- 84a648c: ci: add lint and goreleaser workflow (@jon4hz)
- 77bfa31: initial commit (@jon4hz)
- 7b16b37: refactor, sysinfo and zpool section (@jon4hz)
- ab23211: refactor: folder structure (@jon4hz)
- 4103b01: refactor: separate print and gather (@jon4hz)