This data set is designed to replace the keyspace travel-sample
with the data in the file "landmark_all.json".
It contains the same data as the collection landmark
but we get an embedding based on the value name + " " + content
- embedding_crc
name + " " + content
(note, the CRC includes the double quotes)
- embedding
- This is an OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 embedding with dimension 1536
The data file "landmark_all.json" is 147,348,261 bytes, with most of the size due to the JSON array vectors in for the field embedding
You will need a Couchbase database with the sample dataset travel-smaple pre-loaded
Your Couchbase version should be 7.6.0 or greater (newer versions like 7.6.2 will run faster).
cbimport json -c couchbases://${CB_HOSTNAME} \
-no-ssl-verify \
-b travel-sample \
-f list -d file://./landmark_all.json \
--scope-collection-exp inventory.landmark \
-g landmark_%id%
Install the SDK via
- pip install couchbase
Confiugre your environment variables
Unzip the file
- unzip
Run the follwoing program
- ./
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import json
from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
from couchbase.options import ClusterOptions
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator
from couchbase.collection import UpsertOptions
# Get Couchbase credentials from environment variables
cb_username = os.getenv("CB_USERNAME")
cb_password = os.getenv("CB_PASSWORD")
cb_hostname = os.getenv("CB_HOSTNAME")
# Connect to the Couchbase cluster
pa = PasswordAuthenticator(cb_username, cb_password)
cluster = Cluster("couchbases://" + cb_hostname + "/?ssl=no_verify", ClusterOptions(pa))
# Open the travel-sample bucket
bucket = cluster.bucket("travel-sample")
# Get the specific collection within the inventory scope
collection = bucket.scope("inventory").collection("landmark")
# Read the JSON file
with open('landmark_all.json') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
# Insert each document into Couchbase
for document in data:
key = f"landmark_{document['id']}"
collection.upsert(key, document)
print("Data loaded successfully!")
"embedding_crc": "60530323380d1d69",
"embedding": [-0.010101266205310822, 0.002630329690873623, <<1534 items removed>> ],