Project technologies:
- Webpack
- Typescript
- React.js (v17)
- React router (v6 still in beta)
- Sass for styling
No SDK used (which in my opinion not always good)
The project structure splitted into:
- applications - main SPA (and possible widgets), define set of routes and common state
- modules - pieces of functionality splitted by business domains
- shared - modules which should be shared by other modules
Top level components define dependencies for underlying components. The conception of splitting to business and UI components not strictly followed (used url`s from configuration obect).
Would be good to speak with the designer in order to define Design System variables. Now, a guess about them placed in ui-kit.scss file.
- there are not much complicated logic for components so unit tests are omitted, but for certain components need to add them.
- as well as storybook stories (which are definetly need to be added for UI-Kit)
- the way of state management and business functionality should be reviewd, probably state should be splitted between components or moved to domain services (like vide / auth / profile / billing service)