Major group assignment for COSC2299 Software Engineering: Process and Tools at RMIT University.
For team members, please add more details to your role if needed.
- Lachlan Porter S3537901 - 25%
- Wireframe design
- User stories
- Structured pages: admin dashboard, history of bookings, customer bookings
- Craig Barry S3601725 - 25%
- Dusk testing
- Intergration testing
- Database planning
- Structured pages: add working time, add employee, business owner login/registration, roster
- Johnny Huynh S3604367 - 25%
- Manage Trello board
- Setup/manage live server
- Dusk testing
- Integration testing
- Structured pages: customer login/registration, business owner login/registration
- Wireframe design
- Jarry Chen S3600396 - 25%
- User stories
- Integration testing
- Structured pages: business information
A Homy Ash [email protected]
Tuesday 16:30 Tutorial - 014.06.013
To allow actual development on the project code. You must require a development environment for Laravel (PHP Framework) to function properly on your local device.
- Composer >= 1.4.1
- PHP >= 5.6.4
- Git Bash or any other CMD with git
- Text Editor (Sublime Text 3, Notepad++)
- SQLite Browser or any other SQLite viewer
Download PHP (VC14 x64 Thread Safe) for Windows and follow this install guide.
For other OS's, just do a simple Google search to install PHP.
PHP requires the following extensions enabled in your php.ini at your PHP installed directory.
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
This will make sure the database is using SQLite on your machine by linking the database directory in your .env file (side-note: MySQL is used on the live server).
- Go to root git repo of the project (SE-PT-Assignment)
- Find '.env.example'
- Rename '.env.example' to '.env'
- Change 'DB_DATABASE=' to 'DB_DATABASE={ROOT}/database/dev-databse.sqlite'
- Where {ROOT} is the repo directory
- e.g. 'C:/Users/Johnny/SE-PT-Assignment/database/dev-database.sqlite'
- Save .env
This is needed to install all of Laravels PHP dependancies through Composer.
- Open Git Bash or any CMD
- CD to the repo directory (SE-PT-Assignment)
- Run the following command
composer install
This is needed to avoid an authenication error on Laravel when you setup local development on your machine.
- Open Git Bash or any CMD
- CD to the repo directory (SE-PT-Assignment)
- Run the following command
php artisan key:generate
What is command would do is it will generate an application key and paste it into the .env file.
- CD to the repo directory (SE-PT-Assignment)
- Start a dev server by running the following command
php artisan serve
- Open a browser
- Visit localhost:8000
- Laravel should by default create a server at port 8000
- Open Git Bash or any CMD
- CD to the repo directory (SE-PT-Assignment)
- Checkout to the 'dev' branch with the following command
git checkout dev
- Run another command to keep the branch up to date
git pull
RuntimeException in Encrypter.php line 43: The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.
Make sure you generated an applciation key for Laravel. APP_KEY in .env file is either missing or incorrect.
php artisan key:generate
The link to the database file is missing. In this case the database file is in the repo at "database/dev-database.sqlite".
Haven't enabled PHP extension 'extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll' in the 'php.ini' file.