Deploy the demo application in Okteto Staging by pressing the following button:
Once the application is running, if you access the application endpoint (for example, the content would be:
"item": {
"name": "LEDx",
"type": "Medical Equipment",
"weight": 0.23,
"grid_size": "2x1",
"loot_experience": 50
"flea": {}
Now, run okteto up
✓ Images successfully pulled
✓ Files synchronized
Name: cindy-loot-data
Welcome to your development container. Happy coding!
cindy:cindy-loot-data app>
Compile the application:
cindy:cindy-loot-data app> make build
go build -o load-data cmd/loot-data/main.go
Run the application:
cindy:cindy-loot-data app> make start
loot data server listening on :8081
Now you can access the original application at and the dev version of your application at
"item": {
"name": "LEDx",
"type": "Medical Equipment",
"weight": 0.23,
"grid_size": "2x1",
"loot_experience": 50
"flea": {
"rarity": "legendary",
"average_price_24h": 710000.25,
"average_price_7d": 805000.8
Happy coding!