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This tutorial walks through editing a sample dataset using the free tool Trifacta Wrangler, which is available for download here. The sample dataset used here is a csv of play-by-play data from the 2016 NFL season, which can be downloaded here. This second dataset will also come in handy for the last part of the tutorial.

Once Trifacta Wrangler is downloaded, select new flow—this will create a new flow in which you can organize your dataset. Then select add datasets to flow, and then import dataset.

From the import dataset window, you can either drag and drop playbyplay.csv, or choose file from your computer. Once you have done that, make sure your dataset is selected, then add.

Trifacta Wrangler works by generating scripts that apply transformations to your data, and then compiling multiple scripts into a recipe. Multiple datasets and recipes are organized in a flow.

Trifacta Wrangler will automatically generate an initial recipe for your dataset that will convert it from is original format to something Wrangler can transform. Because it is a CSV, this recipe will include steps such as converting newline characters and commas into new rows and columns. However, it will generate similar scripts from JSON files as well.

Select edit recipe to bring up the transform builder and a preview of the dataset. Here is a quick rundown of the editor's important features:

Data Quality indications

  • For each column, Wrangler displays the percentage of the data that is valid (the same format as the selected or inferred data type), invalid (a different format), and empty.
  • This is visible for each column directly below the column name. If the bar is completely green, the data is 100% valid values; invalid values are red and empty values are gray.
  • In the NFL dataset, the first columns are all 100% complete, but other columns are missing values—for example, the column OffenseTeam has many empty values. Hovering over the gray part of the bar shows that there are 3,376 empty values in that column.

Data Types

  • Wrangler will also guess at the data type of each of your columns, and display an icon of the data type next to the column name.
  • Knowing the data type helps Wrangler suggest which transformations might be useful/applicable.
  • There are many different supported types, which can be viewed, along with more on data types here.

Grid vs. Column view

  • With large datasets and/or datasets with many columns, you may want to see only a few of them when writing transformations.
  • Selecting columns will allow you to select which columns are visible in the grid view.
  • It will also give you the data quality indication for each column.

Transformation Builder

  • This is the main feature of the tool. It allows you to choose from broad types of transformations and then customize them to edit your own data.
  • Below, I'll walk through a quick tutorial of how to edit the NFL data set you've just imported. I'll include both how to make and customize the transformations and the wrangle script that accompanies them.
  • While you can switch directly to the editor (Switch to editor) and enter your script that way, it is much easier and better for understanding your data to use the builder, and it doesn't decrease functionality at all.

First things first: matching the data types. For the most part, Wrangler is good at guessing your data types, but it thinks our first column GameId is a phone number.

  • In the transform builder, choose the settype transform, GameId as the column, and enter Integer as the new type, then select add to recipe.
  • settype col: GameId type: 'Integer'

Next, the Second column (not the 2nd column, but the one labeled Second) doesn't seem like it would be very valuable all alone; however, it could be used to add more detail to the Minutes column. However, we want to also retain the Minute column so we can use it if we want that time increment instead. For this we will use the derive transform.

  • Select the derive transform. The formula here is complicated: DATEFORMAT(TIME(0, NewMinute, Second), 'HH:mm:ss').
  • Essentially, it converts (0, val. from col. NewMinute, val. from col. Second) to a TIME format. However, Wrangler can't display TIME formats, so you have to convert it to the displayable DATEFORMAT, with the guide of HH:mm:ss. More here.
  • derive value: dateformat(time(0, Minute, Second), 'HH:mm:ss') as: 'HourMinuteSecond'

Now, we don't need the Second column any more, so we can drop it.

  • In the builder, select the drop transformation, then Second.
  • Alternatively, use the dropdown menu next to the column header to select drop.
  • drop col: Second

We can also remove some of the other useless columns that were in the CSV.

  • In the builder, select drop and then the empty columns: column12, column14, column19, and Challenger.
  • The bar graphs under each column name are also helpful: although all of the data in NextScore and TeamWin is valid, there is only one value (0), represented by a single bar, along with SeasonYear, which is all 2016.
  • drop col: column12, column14, column18, column19, Challenger, NextScore, TeamWin, SeasonYear

There are also some columns with mismatched types. For example, in the Formation column, some of the values have quotes around them and others do not. We want a standard format without quotes.

  • An easy way to do this is by selecting just the double quote before a value in Formation.
  • The quotes that begin and end values in each of the other columns will also select.
  • When you select, Wrangler gives you some suggestions for transformations you might want to execute. The first suggestion, replace on: `{start}"|"{end}` , replaces double quote (") characters on the beginning and end of cells.
  • Choose modify to see the builder. This transform shows the column (Formation), the pattern to be replaced, and the New Value to insert (which, in this case, is blank).
  • We want to select all of the columns that need editing, and then Add to Recipe.
  • Alternatively, you can enter the Editor to make the transformation global to the data sheet.
  • replace col: * with: '' on: `{start}"|"{end}` global: true

Now, we will edit the Penalty columns. However, the column IsPenalty isn't next to the other penalty columns (IsPenaltyAccepted, PenaltyTeam, etc).

  • We can use the move transform to move IsPenalty to before IsPenaltyAccepted.
  • move col: IsPenalty before: IsPenaltyAccepted

Next, the IsPenaltyAccepted column. While there are values for every row, this column is really only relevant for the times when there actually is a penalty.

  • We will use the derive transformation again, but use a different type of formula.
  • Instead, it will be conditional: if the IsPenalty value is 0, then remove the value in IsPenaltyAccepted.
  • In other words: IF(IsPenalty==0, Null(), IsPenaltyAccepted)
  • Also, we can use the transform editor to rename our result from column1 to something else (I used IsPenaltyAccepted_New)
  • derive value: if(IsPenalty==0, null(), IsPenaltyAccepted) as: 'IsPenaltyAccepted_New'
  • Then, we can drop the old IsPenaltyAccepted. We can repeat this whole process for PenaltyYards, which has a similar problem, as well as IsTwoPointConversionSuccessful (except using IsTwoPointConversion, and IsChallengeReversed using IsChallenge.

We can also pull out text data from the long, unwieldy Description column.

  • We want to beef up our penalty data by adding a column describing the penalty. However, this isn't as simple as selecting the name of a penalty—Wrangler isn't good enough to know what strings describe penalties and which describe players or other descriptors. We have to get a reference that is specific enough to get only the results we want.
  • To find a good reference for how penalties are encoded, use the Filter in grid option to search for "penalty."
  • This returns all rows that contain "penalty," and we can see some common threads—whether they have a formation, a time, or other words, they all contain the pattern "FIRSTINITIAL.LASTNAME, penaltytype." For example, from the top row: T.MORSTEAD, DELAY OF GAME.
  • This data contains the penalty name, which we want, and enough identifiers to make a robust selection.
  • However, selecting simply T.MORSTEAD, DELAY OF GAME is too specific. The transform builder suggests only extracting those exact words. We have to build this transformation from scratch.
  • Since we want to pull a part of Description for this new column, choose the extract transformation, and Description for the column.
  • We want to extract on a pattern, but we can't describe it because it is just some number of non-unique words. So, under On pattern, leave the on field blank.
  • We want the information after the pattern "FIRSTINITIAL.LASTNAME, ". We can find out how Wrangler understands that input by selecting a few instances of that pattern, and looking at its suggested value, which is `{url}` because it contains a string, a period, and another string.
  • In the starting after field, enter `{url}, `, which is searching for strings after this url-comma-space pattern we've identified. The grid should update, selecting all of the rows from that pattern onward.
  • However, we don't want all of that information, so we simply end it at the first comma, entering `,` in the ending before field, and adding our transformation to the recipe.
  • Then, rename the new column (called Description1) to PenaltyType.
  • extract col: Description after: `{url}, ` before: `,`
  • rename col: Description1 to: 'PenaltyType'

Don't forget to clear the Filter in grid field afterwards. Now, we want to add some new information that isn't contained in this dataset. If you haven't already, download the additional dataset (here). Return to the overview of your flow, and add your new dataset into your flow (Add Datasets - Import Datasets).

Now navigate back to your original dataset, and select the join transformation.

  • Select the dataset you've just uploaded (probably called additionalData, but if you're unsure, just find the one whose source is "this flow."
  • Choose preview selected dataset, and then select join keys.
  • Under join keys on the left, choose edit. It will suggest the first column, GameId, but click the little pencil icon and instead select OffenseTeam. Now, it'll show two columns, one with the teams in OffenseTeam, and then the same teams from Team.
  • Save that join key. This will return us to the old view, but still show only two columns. We want to include all columns in the dataset, so we must select all of them on the left.
  • However, we don't want both Team and OffenseTeam, because they display the same information, so deselect one of them.
  • There is also the option above to select Inner Join, Left Outer, Right Outer, or Full Outer.
    • Inner join: only keeps rows where the join keys match in both dataset A and B
    • Left outer join will only keep all rows from A and remove rows from B where the join key has no equivalent in A
    • Right outer join will do the reverse
    • Full outer join will keep all of the rows from both A and B
  • The values in OffenseTeam and Team are from a small defined set—there are no values in one column that aren't used in the other, so all of these options will provide the same result.
  • Now, you can Add to Recipe.
  • join with: additionalData col: OffenseTeam = current_dataset.OffenseTeam, Gameld = current_dataset.GameId, ...
  • You can repeat this process with DefenseTeam in place of OffenseTeam.
  • More on the join transformation

After making any additional modifications to the dataset (find the full range of transformations here), you can generate results for the entire dataset by clicking Generate Results.

  • You can choose the format to download your data, an optional method of compression, and view a summary of the dataset.


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