Based of the paper "Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image Sequences, Dorian G ́alvez-L ́opez and Juan D. Tard ́os, Member, IEEE" found here:
Instead of using kmean for clustering, I chose to implement kmedoids PAM with k++ seeding.
- install catkin-tools
sudo apt get install catkin sudo pip3 install git+ sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-pkg
- init catkin workspace
- catkin config
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
- clean
catkin clean -y
- build
catkin build
ctrl+p ext install ms-vscode.cpptools ext install betwo.b2-catkin-tools
- catkin build ./devel/lib/trainer/trainer Hello World2
var results = []; Object.keys(a.clusterMembers).forEach((idx) => { console.log(idx); console.log("x", a.clusterMembers[idx][1].length); Object.keys(a.clusterMembers[idx][1]).forEach((m, memberIdx) => { if (a.clusterMembers[idx][1][memberIdx] == 490) { results.push([idx, memberIdx]); } }); });