.Net Wrapper for ThinBasic Programming Language.
- Windows 7 above (recommend)
- ThinBasic 1.13
- .NET 9
PM> Install-Package ThinBasic.NET
Building requires Visual Studio 2022 Community and test under Windows 10.
string scriptPath = @"Sample\test.tbasic";
string scriptBuffer = File.ReadAllText(scriptPath, Encoding.UTF8);
int bufferType = (int)Enums.BufferType.IsScript;
int callingProgram = (int)Enums.CallingProgram.GUI;
int hThinbasic = Thinbasic.Init(0, 0, "thinbasic");
int result = Thinbasic.Run(hThinbasic, scriptBuffer, bufferType, 0, 0, 0, 0, callingProgram, 0);
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Ji-Feng Tsai.
ThinBasic Copyright (c) Eros Olmi ThinBASIC Interpreter.
Code released under the MIT license.
- More Functions defined in thinCore.dll
- More examples
If this application help you reduce time to coding, you can give me a cup of coffee :)