This package contains scripts and tools for doing unsupervised acceptability prediction. For a full description of the software, please refer to the publication listed at the bottom of this document. Datasets are hosted on our project website.
Project website:
In acceptability prediction, the task is to predict the acceptability of a given sentence. Our methodology first trains unsupervised language models on raw text corpus, and then computes 'test' sentence probabilities using the trained models. To map sentence probability to acceptability, several functions are used to normalise sentence length and word frequency.
Implementation of the following models are provided:
- Lexical N-gram
- Bayesian HMM
- Two-tier BHMM
- Bayesian Chunker
- Prepare train data and test data (format specified below)
- Use to replace unseen/low frequency tokens in both train and test data
- Use to train/test N-gram models
- Use to train/test Bayesian models
- Use to train/test RNNLM
- For Bayesian Chunker, as it takes word classes as input, use to generate train data. Note that you'll need to provide a previously trained model to do this; the two-tier BHMM is a good model to use.
For the original train data (input to, you'll need to provide two formats:
- one sentence per line (used by all models except LDAHMM)
- one sentence per line with an additional document boundary token (<PAGEBOUNDARY>) to denote document boundary (used by LDAHMM only)
For test data, you'll only need to provide the first format.
An example dataset is provided under directory example_dataset/raw
###N-gram Model
The N-gram model is written in python, and requires scipy to run. No additional compilation is necessary.
###tikka The source code of the original Bayesian models are provided by tikka-postagger; full documentation can be found at:
Modifications: implemented a few new models, and parallelised the original models.
tikka requires Java 1.6 and ant. To build the source, set the environment variables JAVA_HOME and TIKKA_DIR to the appropriate directories. Also, update the CLASSPATH variable to include cli.jar and commons-math3-3.2jar (in tikka/lib), and the (to-be) built tikka classes (tikka/build/classes).
Example commands:
- export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64"
- export TIKKA_DIR="/home/exampleuser/acceptability_prediction/tikka"
- export CLASSPATH=".:/home/exampleuser/acceptability_prediction/tikka/lib/cli.jar:/home/exampleuser/acceptability_prediction/tikka/lib/commons-math3-3.2.jar:/home/exampleuser/acceptabiliy_prediction/tikka/build/classes"
Once the environment variables are set, run "ant" to build tikka
Note: edit tikka/bin/tikka-env to specify the maximum amount of memory for Java to use.
###RNNLM The RNNLM model is provided by the RNNLM toolkit; full documentation can be found on:
Modifications were made to map the sentence probabilities to acceptability scores.
RNNLM requires c++ compiler (g++4.6 or newer) and make to compile the source.
To compile RNNLM, run "make"
- Jey Han Lau, Shalom Lappin and Alexander Clark (2015). Unsupervised Prediction of Acceptability Judgements. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2015), Beijing, China.