These are some of the files I use with vim everyday. They're mostly for use with vim 7.3 and MacVim
I recommend looking at this guide if you're getting started or trying to clone my files and not having any luck.
this is the quickest way to install these files
# these bits backup your current vim files and get them out of the way
# skip if you don't have a config or have removed your own
mv .vim vimfilesbackup
mv .vimrc vimfilesbackup/vimrcbck
mv .gvimrc vimfilesbackup/gvimrcbck
# once we're clear, we can download and link my vimfiles
git clone git:// ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
cd ~/.vim/
git submodule update --init
# literally calls 'git pull origin master' on every submodule
I write a good amount of PHP at work so it may lean a bit in that direction
here are some of the things I couldn't submodule:
- tomasr's molokai
- Lars H. Nielsen's wombat
- Peter Hodge's php.vim
- Ken Earl's smarty.vim
- Rainer M. Schmid's valgrind.vim
- Todd Werth's ir_black
- Justin Constantino's candycode