All raw data is available on SRA using accession IDs SRR13050956-SRR13051274.
Please note that Oxford Nanopore long read FAST5s are available separately, using accession IDs SRR27010831-SRR27010837.
Data processing, analysis and visualization of EpiQC methylation data.
Scripts to be run on HPC (submitted to scheduler using SLURM). This folder includes scripts for:
- adapter trimming
- running each methylation pipeline (bwameth.slurm, Bismark.slurm, BitMapperBS.slurm, BSseeker2.slrum)
- downsampling bedGraphs generated by each methylation pipeline
- merging replicates into one bedGraph per library (e.g. combining bedGraphs from MethylSeq HG001 replicates 1 and 2)
- creating a timing comparison across all pipelines
R Markdown files that produce figures from analysis outputs. This includes:
- Mapping.R: generate figures for mapping efficiency and CpG detection
- CpG_Coverage.R: to generate figures for genome-wide CpG coverage and genomic annotation
- CpG_Methylation.R: to generate figures for global methylation percent estimations
- AlgoComp.R: to generate figures for comparing the outputs from each methylation analysis pipeline
Scripts to transform outputs in preparation for figure generation. This includes:
- normalize CpG coverage to a given mean value
- merge signal from multiple bedGraphs (leveraged in mergeReplicates.slurm)
- merge signal from 5mC data in methylBedGraph format (created by e.g. Megalodon)
- to pull CpG data frm BSseeker2 outputs and store in bedGraph format