In this section we present and explain how to execute our code in order to reproduce our obtained results. In order to make our results reproducable, we set a fixed random set and specify the exact versions of the used python libraries (see the file requirements.txt
in the root folder).
- Download all the required packets with the correct versionning
- Run
while being in the code directory
In this section we explain all the code scripts that were use to experiment various hypothesis.
- ./code
- A python method to preprocess the dataset, such that it can be used for the training and the evaluation of our final model
- Our best performing model
- ./hashtags-engineering Containing all scripts for the encoding and dimensionality reduction of the hashtags.
- ./text-engineering Containing all scripts for the vectorization and dimensionality reduction of the text contained in the tweet.
- ./baseline-models Evaluation and training of all baseline models reported in section 3.2 of our report. For each model, there exists a given script to train the given model with the default model parameters after applying our feature engineering pipeline to the training and test set.
- ./grb-tuning Hypertuning the Gradient Boosting regressor including the according data pipeline.
- ./rfr-tuning Hypertuning the Random Forest regressor including the according data pipeline.
- ./xgb-tuning Hypertuning the XG Boosting regressor including the according data pipeline.
- ./data-analysis
All scripts that were used to generate figures and help us understand the data.
- A data visualisation script investigating the results of transforming and combining UNIX time data
- A script to plot all the correlation plots and correlation matrices of the original and engineered features
- A script to inspect the data distribution of certain features and the effect of given normalisation techniques.
- ./figs All images generated for our report and our experiments.