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Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum blocks, transactions, ERC20 / ERC721 tokens, transfers, receipts, logs, contracts, internal transactions. Available in Google BigQuery


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Ethereum ETL

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Install Ethereum ETL:

pip3 install ethereum-etl

Export blocks and transactions (Schema, Reference):

> ethereumetl export_blocks_and_transactions --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri --blocks-output blocks.csv --transactions-output transactions.csv

Export ERC20 and ERC721 transfers (Schema, Reference):

> ethereumetl export_token_transfers --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --output token_transfers.csv

Export traces (Schema, Reference):

> ethereumetl export_traces --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/parity.ipc --output traces.csv

Stream blocks, transactions, logs, token_transfers continually to console (Reference):

> pip3 install ethereum-etl[streaming]
> ethereumetl stream --start-block 500000 -e block,transaction,log,token_transfer --log-file log.txt

Find other commands here.

For the latest version, check out the repo and call

> pip3 install -e . 
> python3


Table of Contents



Column Type
number bigint
hash hex_string
parent_hash hex_string
nonce hex_string
sha3_uncles hex_string
logs_bloom hex_string
transactions_root hex_string
state_root hex_string
receipts_root hex_string
miner address
difficulty numeric
total_difficulty numeric
size bigint
extra_data hex_string
gas_limit bigint
gas_used bigint
timestamp bigint
transaction_count bigint


Column Type
hash hex_string
nonce bigint
block_hash hex_string
block_number bigint
transaction_index bigint
from_address address
to_address address
value numeric
gas bigint
gas_price bigint
input hex_string
block_timestamp bigint


Column Type
token_address address
from_address address
to_address address
value numeric
transaction_hash hex_string
log_index bigint
block_number bigint


Column Type
transaction_hash hex_string
transaction_index bigint
block_hash hex_string
block_number bigint
cumulative_gas_used bigint
gas_used bigint
contract_address address
root hex_string
status bigint


Column Type
log_index bigint
transaction_hash hex_string
transaction_index bigint
block_hash hex_string
block_number bigint
address address
data hex_string
topics string


Column Type
address address
bytecode hex_string
function_sighashes string
is_erc20 boolean
is_erc721 boolean
block_number bigint


Column Type
address address
symbol string
name string
decimals bigint
total_supply numeric


Column Type
block_number bigint
transaction_hash hex_string
transaction_index bigint
from_address address
to_address address
value numeric
input hex_string
output hex_string
trace_type string
call_type string
reward_type string
gas bigint
gas_used bigint
subtraces bigint
trace_address string
error string
status bigint

You can find column descriptions in

Note: for the address type all hex characters are lower-cased. boolean type can have 2 values: True or False.


  • In case the contract is a proxy, which forwards all calls to a delegate, interface detection doesn’t work, which means is_erc20 and is_erc721 will always be false for proxy contracts and they will be missing in the tokens table.
  • The metadata methods (symbol, name, decimals, total_supply) for ERC20 are optional, so around 10% of the contracts are missing this data. Also some contracts (EOS) implement these methods but with wrong return type, so the metadata columns are missing in this case as well.
  • token_transfers.value, tokens.decimals and tokens.total_supply have type STRING in BigQuery tables, because numeric types there can't handle 32-byte integers. You should use cast(value as FLOAT64) (possible loss of precision) or safe_cast(value as NUMERIC) (possible overflow) to convert to numbers.
  • The contracts that don't implement decimals() function but have the fallback function that returns a boolean will have 0 or 1 in the decimals column in the CSVs.

Exporting the Blockchain

If you'd like to have the blockchain data platform set up and hosted for you in AWS or GCP, get in touch with us here.

  1. Install python 3.5.3+

  2. You can use Infura if you don't need ERC20 transfers (Infura doesn't support eth_getFilterLogs JSON RPC method). For that use -p option for the commands below. If you need ERC20 transfers or want to export the data ~40 times faster, you will need to set up a local Ethereum node:

  3. Install geth

  4. Start geth. Make sure it downloaded the blocks that you need by executing eth.syncing in the JS console. You can export blocks below currentBlock, there is no need to wait until the full sync as the state is not needed (unless you also need contracts bytecode and token details; for those you need to wait until the full sync).

  5. Install Ethereum ETL:

    > pip3 install ethereum-etl
  6. Export all:

    > ethereumetl export_all --help
    > ethereumetl export_all -s 0 -e 5999999 -b 100000 -p file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc -o output

    In case ethereumetl command is not available in PATH, use python3 -m ethereumetl instead.

    The result will be in the output subdirectory, partitioned in Hive style:


Should work with geth and parity, on Linux, Mac, Windows. If you use Parity you should disable warp mode with --no-warp option because warp mode does not place all of the block or receipt data into the database

If you see weird behavior, e.g. wrong number of rows in the CSV files or corrupted files, check out this issue: blockchain-etl#28

Export in 2 Hours

You can use AWS Auto Scaling and Data Pipeline to reduce the exporting time to a few hours. Read this article for details

Running in Docker

  1. Install Docker

  2. Build a docker image

    > docker build -t ethereum-etl:latest .
    > docker image ls
  3. Run a container out of the image

    > docker run -v $HOME/output:/ethereum-etl/output ethereum-etl:latest export_all -s 0 -e 5499999 -b 100000 -p
    > docker run -v $HOME/output:/ethereum-etl/output ethereum-etl:latest export_all -s 2018-01-01 -e 2018-01-01 -p
  4. Run streaming to console or Pub/Sub

    > docker build -t ethereum-etl:latest-streaming -f Dockerfile_with_streaming .
    > echo "Stream to console"
    > docker run ethereum-etl:latest-streaming stream --start-block 500000 --log-file log.txt
    > echo "Stream to Pub/Sub"
    > docker run -v /path_to_credentials_file/:/ethereum-etl/ --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/ethereum-etl/credentials_file.json ethereum-etl:latest-streaming stream --start-block 500000 --output projects/<your-project>/topics/crypto_ethereum

Command Reference

All the commands accept -h parameter for help, e.g.:

> ethereumetl export_blocks_and_transactions -h

Usage: ethereumetl export_blocks_and_transactions [OPTIONS]

  Export blocks and transactions.

  -s, --start-block INTEGER   Start block
  -e, --end-block INTEGER     End block  [required]
  -b, --batch-size INTEGER    The number of blocks to export at a time.
  -p, --provider-uri TEXT     The URI of the web3 provider e.g.
                              file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc or
  -w, --max-workers INTEGER   The maximum number of workers.
  --blocks-output TEXT        The output file for blocks. If not provided
                              blocks will not be exported. Use "-" for stdout
  --transactions-output TEXT  The output file for transactions. If not
                              provided transactions will not be exported. Use
                              "-" for stdout
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

For the --output parameters the supported types are csv and json. The format type is inferred from the output file name.


> ethereumetl export_blocks_and_transactions --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc \
--blocks-output blocks.csv --transactions-output transactions.csv

Omit --blocks-output or --transactions-output options if you want to export only transactions/blocks.

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Blocks and transactions schema.


The API used in this command is not supported by Infura, so you will need a local node. If you want to use Infura for exporting ERC20 transfers refer to extract_token_transfers

> ethereumetl export_token_transfers --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --batch-size 100 --output token_transfers.csv

Include --tokens <token1> --tokens <token2> to filter only certain tokens, e.g.

> ethereumetl export_token_transfers --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --output token_transfers.csv \
--tokens 0x86fa049857e0209aa7d9e616f7eb3b3b78ecfdb0 --tokens 0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Token transfers schema.


First extract transaction hashes from transactions.csv (Exported with export_blocks_and_transactions):

> ethereumetl extract_csv_column --input transactions.csv --column hash --output transaction_hashes.txt

Then export receipts and logs:

> ethereumetl export_receipts_and_logs --transaction-hashes transaction_hashes.txt \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --receipts-output receipts.csv --logs-output logs.csv

Omit --receipts-output or --logs-output options if you want to export only logs/receipts.

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Upvote this feature request openethereum/parity-ethereum#9075, it will make receipts and logs export much faster.

Receipts and logs schema.


First export receipt logs with export_receipts_and_logs.

Then extract transfers from the logs.csv file:

> ethereumetl extract_token_transfers --logs logs.csv --output token_transfers.csv

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Token transfers schema.


First extract contract addresses from receipts.csv (Exported with export_receipts_and_logs):

> ethereumetl extract_csv_column --input receipts.csv --column contract_address --output contract_addresses.txt

Then export contracts:

> ethereumetl export_contracts --contract-addresses contract_addresses.txt \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --output contracts.csv

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Contracts schema.


First extract token addresses from contracts.json (Exported with export_contracts):

> ethereumetl filter_items -i contracts.json -p "item['is_erc20'] or item['is_erc721']" | \
ethereumetl extract_field -f address -o token_addresses.txt

Then export ERC20 / ERC721 tokens:

> ethereumetl export_tokens --token-addresses token_addresses.txt \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --output tokens.csv

You can tune --max-workers for performance.

Tokens schema.


Also called internal transactions. The API used in this command is not supported by Infura, so you will need a local Parity archive node (parity --tracing on). Make sure your node has at least 8GB of memory, or else you will face timeout errors. See this issue

> ethereumetl export_traces --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/parity.ipc --batch-size 100 --output traces.csv

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Traces schema.


Read Differences between geth and parity traces.csv

The API used in this command is not supported by Infura, so you will need a local Geth archive node (geth --gcmode archive --syncmode full --ipcapi debug). When using rpc, add --rpc --rpcapi debug options.

> ethereumetl export_geth_traces --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri file://$HOME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --batch-size 100 --output geth_traces.json

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.


> ethereumetl extract_geth_traces --input geth_traces.json --output traces.csv

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.


> ethereumetl get_block_range_for_date --provider-uri= --date 2018-01-01


> ethereumetl get_keccak_hash -i "transfer(address,uint256)"


> pip3 install ethereum-etl[streaming]
> ethereumetl stream --provider-uri --start-block 500000
  • This command outputs blocks, transactions, logs, token_transfers to the console by default.
  • Entity types can be specified with the -e option, e.g. -e block,transaction,log,token_transfer,trace,contract,token.
  • Use --output option to specify the Google Pub/Sub topic where to publish blockchain data, e.g. projects/<your-project>/topics/bitcoin_blockchain. Data will be pushed to projects/<your-project>/topics/bitcoin_blockchain.blocks, projects/<your-project>/topics/bitcoin_blockchain.transactions etc. topics.
  • The command saves its state to last_synced_block.txt file where the last synced block number is saved periodically.
  • Specify either --start-block or --last-synced-block-file option. --last-synced-block-file should point to the file where the block number, from which to start streaming the blockchain data, is saved.
  • Use the --lag option to specify how many blocks to lag behind the head of the blockchain. It's the simplest way to handle chain reorganizations - they are less likely the further a block from the head.
  • You can tune --period-seconds, --batch-size, --block-batch-size, --max-workers for performance.
  • Refer to blockchain-etl-streaming for instructions on deploying it to Kubernetes.

Stream blockchain data continually to Google Pub/Sub:

> export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path_to_credentials_file.json
> ethereumetl stream --start-block 500000 --output projects/<your-project>/topics/crypto_ethereum

Running Tests

> pip3 install -e .[dev,streaming]
> pytest -vv

Running Tox Tests

> pip3 install tox
> tox

Ethereum Classic Support

For getting ETC csv files, make sure you pass in the --chain classic param where it's required for the scripts you want to export. ETC won't run if your --provider-uri is Infura. It will provide a warning and change the provider-uri to instead. For faster performance, run a client instead locally for classic such as parity chain=classic and Geth-classic.

Differences between geth and parity traces.csv

  • to_address field differs for callcode trace (geth seems to return correct value, as parity value of to_address is same as to_address of parent call);
  • geth output doesn't have reward traces;
  • geth output doesn't have to_address, from_address, value for suicide traces;
  • error field contains human readable error message, which might differ in geth/parity output;
  • geth output doesn't have transaction_hash;
  • gas_used is 0 on traces with error in geth, empty in parity;
  • zero output of subcalls is 0x000... in geth, 0x in parity;

Querying in Amazon Athena

  • Upload the files to S3:
> cd output
> aws s3 sync . s3://<your_bucket>/ethereumetl/export --region ap-southeast-1
CREATE DATABASE ethereumetl;

Airflow DAGs

Refer to for the instructions.

Tables for Parquet Files

Read this article on how to convert CSVs to Parquet

Note that DECIMAL type is limited to 38 digits in Hive so values greater than 38 decimals will be null.

Querying in Google BigQuery

Public Dataset

You can query the data that's updated daily in the public BigQuery dataset

Useful Queries

How to Query Balances for all Ethereum Addresses

Read this article

Building Token Recommender in Google Cloud Platform

Read this article

Querying in Kaggle

You can access the Ethereum dataset in Kaggle

Blockchain ETL in Media


Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum blocks, transactions, ERC20 / ERC721 tokens, transfers, receipts, logs, contracts, internal transactions. Available in Google BigQuery







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  • Python 99.2%
  • Other 0.8%