An app enabling vintage Coach bag collectors and sellers to search for names, colors, and style numbers, and return the corresponding catalog page.
Live Demo (Try searching Willis, Sage, or 9921)
Scanned copies of past Coach catalogs are available online, but locating a specific style within those pages is a tedious manual task. My colleague converted those images to text, building a database and searchable API. This app is the interface that enables users to search the text on those pages, and return the corresponding catalog page images.
- Pre-load random catalog pages.
- Provide search field and button.
- Display searched term and number of results.
- Render results sequenced by catalog year.
- Render up to 12 results, with a button to render additional results.
- Display error messages for null or no-result searches.
- Search on and return information from the Coachfinder API.
- Provide links to full size catalog pages.
- Follow a11y best practices.
- Use responsive design and be usable in 320px-wide viewports.
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Custom API by Mary Burford