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A Jenkins plugin by Red Hat, to scan the dependency stack and give information related to vulnerabilities, popularity, maintainability, compatibility and more


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Red Hat Dependency Analytics

Red Hat Dependency Analytics (RHDA) is a Jenkins plug-in developed by Red Hat Inc.

'RHDA Report' with Insights about your application dependencies:

  • Flags a security vulnerability(CVE) and suggests a remedial version
  • Shows Github popularity metrics along with latest version
  • Suggests a project level license, check for conflicts between dependency licences
  • AI based guidance for additional, alternative dependencies

The plugin can be used in Jenkins as a pipeline task or as a build step.

How to use the plugin

Admin Steps

1. Install the redhat-dependency-analytics Jenkins plugin

  • From the Jenkins Dashboard, click Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available Plugins.
  • If Maven is not installed, search for Maven Integration, and install the plug in.
  • Search for redhat-dependency-analytics, and install the plug in.
  • Restart Jenkins.

2. Configuration

Make sure that the Path is updated to point to the corresponding executables, like mvn, pip etc.


To set a custom path for package managers use environment variables.

  • Click on Manage Jenkins -> System, scroll down to Global properties/Environment Variables.
  • Set the corresponding custom path based on your project:
    • For Maven - Set Name: EXHORT_MVN_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/mvn.
    • For NPM - Set Name: EXHORT_NPM_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/npm.
    • For GO - Set Name: EXHORT_GO_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/go.
    • For Python3 - Set Name: EXHORT_PYTHON3_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/python3.
    • For Pip3 - Set Name: EXHORT_PIP3_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/pip3.
    • For Python - Set Name: EXHORT_PYTHON_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/python.
    • For Pip - Set Name: EXHORT_PIP_PATH and Value: /path/to/custom/pip.

General Configuration

Click Manage Jenkins. Click System, and scroll down to Global properties/Environment Variables. Here you can configure the following settings:

  • name: EXHORT_DEBUG, Value: true , Description: Will invoke the analysis in verbose mode and will print a lot of useful logs to job output console - good for debugging, Default value is false.

  • name: EXHORT_DEV_MODE, value: true, Description: Will invoke the Analysis on Staging Instance Of EXHORT Service, Default: false ( EXHORT Production Instance)

  • name: HIGHEST_ALLOWED_VULN_SEVERITY, Possible values: [LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL], Description: will determine what is the highest allowed Severity of a vulnerability found for a given package/dependency in the analysis, for the analysis to be considered Successful(RC=0) and not Vulnerable(RC=2), Default value is MEDIUM

Python Pipeline Configuration

For Python PIP packages, you can use the specific Python and PIP binaries during the invocation of the analysis. You can also specify these binaries elsewhere in your pipeline jobs, such as a stage environment, or another agent or node. Red Hat Dependency Analytics gives you maximum flexibility with the Python and PIP versions. You do not have to enforce the user to install different Python and PIP versions just to adapt it to the exact requirements.txt list of package versions. Python is very sensitive to versioning, for each Python version, there is a limited range of supported versions for a package. There are two environment variables:


This feature enables you to use Python for different agents. For example, a Python container image containing the desired Python version you want to do the analysis with. You can install the input requirements.txt file using PIP within the container image, and then you can use the following commands to generate the output for a files in workspace : pip freeze --all and pip show <list_of_packages>. Next, run base64 to encode the output from these commands, and set the EXHORT_PIP_FREEZE and EXHORT_PIP_SHOW environment variables with that encoded output, respectively. Example pipeline with proper usage:

node {
    def dockerArguments= '--user=root'
    def pipFreezeOutput
    def pipShowOutput
    def pythonImage = "python:${params.PYTHON_VERSION}-slim"
    def gitRepoWithRequirements = "${params.REQUIREMENTS_GIT_REPO}"
    def gitRepoWithRequirementsBranch = "${params.REQUIREMENTS_GIT_BRANCH}"

    stage('Checkout Git Repo') { // for display purposes
        // Get some code from a GitHub repository
        dir('requirementsDir') {
            git  branch: gitRepoWithRequirementsBranch, url: gitRepoWithRequirements


    stage('Install Python Package') {
        docker.withTool('docker-tool') {

                docker.image(pythonImage).inside(dockerArguments) {
                    sh 'pip install -r requirementsDir/requirements.txt'
                    pipFreezeOutput = sh(script: "pip freeze --all" ,returnStdout: true ).trim()
                    writeFile([file: 'pip-freeze.txt', text: pipFreezeOutput])
                    pipFreezeOutput = sh(script: "pip freeze --all | awk -F \"==\" '{print \$1}' | tr \"\n\" \" \"" ,returnStdout: true ).trim()
                    pipShowOutput = sh(script:"pip show ${pipFreezeOutput}" ,returnStdout: true )
                    writeFile([file: 'pip-show.txt', text: pipShowOutput])

    stage('RHDA Run Analysis') {
        def pipFreezeB64= sh(script: 'cat pip-freeze.txt | base64 -w0' ,returnStdout: true ).trim()
        def pipShowB64= sh(script: 'cat pip-show.txt | base64 -w0',returnStdout: true ).trim()
        echo "pipFreezeB64= ${pipFreezeB64}"
        echo "pipShowpipShowB64= ${pipShowB64}"
        withEnv(["EXHORT_PIP_FREEZE=${pipFreezeB64}","EXHORT_PIP_SHOW=${pipShowB64}"]) {

            rhdaAnalysis consentTelemetry: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/requirementsDir/requirements.txt"


    stage('Clean Workspace') {
        cleanWs cleanWhenAborted: false, cleanWhenFailure: false, cleanWhenNotBuilt: false, cleanWhenUnstable: false


Using The Plugin

Option 1 - As a build step

  • Click on Configure -> Build Trigger -> Add Build Step. Select Invoke Red Hat Dependency Analytics (RHDA).

  • Filepath (Mandatory): Provide the filepath for the manifest file. We currently support the following

    • Maven: pom.xml
    • Python: requirements.txt
    • Npm: package.json
    • Golang: go.mod
  • Usage Statistics (Optional): Consent given to red hat to collect some usage statistics to improve the plugin and report. Default consent is false.

    NOTE: If you get a Java runtime error because the build can not find the mvn binary, try doing the following steps:

    1. From the Jenkins Dashboard, click Manage Jenkins -> Tools -> Maven Installations -> click Add Maven -> Enter a name on Maven Name -> check Install automatically -> click Save
    2. From the Jenkins Dashboard, click Manage Jenkins -> System -> Check Environment Variables, click Add.
    3. Enter EXHORT_MVN_PATH as the variable name, with the value pointing to the mvn binary from the Maven Integration installation. For example, a value of $JENKINS_HOME/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/<Maven Name from Step 1>/bin/mvn.
    4. Include Invoke top-level maven targets as a build step by specifying the Maven version, and add clean install as a goal for the new pipeline item.

Option 2 - As a pipeline task

  • Its just a single line that you need to add in your pipeline script. rhdaAnalysis file:'manifest file path', consentTelemetry:true The value description remains the same as provided in the Option I. User can also use the pipeline snippet generator to generate the command.
Example basic pipeline

NOTE: The package manager binaries have to be in the pipeline's invoking machine, such as a Jenkins master or agent, for this declarative pipeline to work properly.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                // Checkout the Git repository
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'main']], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '[ github project link.git']]]( github project link.git)])
        stage ('Install requirements.txt if Python PIP') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (fileExists('requirements.txt')) {
                        sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
        stage('RHDA Step') {
            steps {
                echo 'RHDA'
                rhdaAnalysis consentTelemetry: true, file: 'manifestName.extension'

Return Code From Plugin

  • It returns 3 different exit status code
    • 0: SUCCESS - Analysis is successful and there were no vulnerabilities found with a severity that exceeded the highest severity allowed in the dependency stack.
    • 1: ERROR - Analysis encountered an error.
    • 2: VULNERABLE - Analysis is successful, but it found 1 or more vulnerabilities that Their Severity Exceeds the Highest Severity Allowed in the dependency stack.


There are a total 3 ways to view the results of the analysis.

1. Console Output

This provides the count and types of vulnerabilities found in the dependency stack. This data is generated for every build and can be viewed in the corresponding console log. It also provides a link to the detailed report.

2. RHDA Stack Report

After every successful analysis, you can find a new icon added in the left panel named RHDA Stack Report . Click on this icon to view the report in graphical form. Here too, we provide a button to redirect to the detailed stack report UI.

3. Detailed RHDA Stack Report

The stack report can be accessed via 2 ways, as mentioned in point number 1 (via url) and 2 (via button click). The report provides comprehensive details about each vulnerability, each dependency in the stack along with the license analysis and the recommended companions.


A Jenkins plugin by Red Hat, to scan the dependency stack and give information related to vulnerabilities, popularity, maintainability, compatibility and more



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