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#commits: 72f685d (HEAD -> newUpdate, origin/newUpdate) cart,login useing useContext c8cf5b5 useReducer a03ca2e deleted a mistake pages 04fd89f (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Merge pull request #5 from jeevan-aj/newUpdate 95c5518 routes made for navbar 3bc7bbb Merge pull request #4 from jeevan-aj/update db095ca added a user list 28cdd75 added routes building process : 0076471 (HEAD -> update) refactor removed dupicated files 2ad63ba show loading skeletons a49dc1f optimise image through url eaa6bce Displaying critic score displaying icons in card 6525146 building game cards c5925c3 create a custom hook to fetch games 44e125d dark mode 0c4f28b dark mode implemented 3a54926 implement dark mode 1e28536 build Navbar bcb1cbf build a responsive layout aca238a Install chackra UI 450f82c Initial Commit 75d6272 (origin/update) Create

contents of repository:

  • game-hub -> a website with react that use rawg api to show games , implemented Chakra-ui , routes (react-router-dom) , filtering , displaying crud
  • cart -> implemented useReduce , useContext , implemented cart count , login logout