- London, UK
- https://jdlm.info
- @jdleesmiller
- Pro
Texmlbus (Tex to XML BUild System) supports the conversion process of documents written in LaTeX to pdf, html, xhtml or jats.
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.
Remove untrusted headers from Rack requests | owner=@zimbatm
Evaluate different compression tools and their settings by running them on a sample of data.
Webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry
A Google Chrome extension to open/edit latex files online using www.overleaf.com without the need of any software to be installed.
Time tracker used in my 'How a Technical Co-founder Spends his Time' blog post.
Node.js package for HTTP basic and digest access authentication.
Development of testing infrastructure for TeX (Live)
Simple tool that can forward file system events to other machine, such as virtual machines with shared folders
A file system event forwarding plugin for Vagrant
Companion repo for my "Lessons from Building a Node App in Docker" article.
Ruby library for solving optimisation problems with the Cross Entropy Method.
Create Fermi Estimates and Perform Monte Carlo Estimates
🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
SAML Identity Provider library in ruby
A Node.js and browser module that provides tooling around Swagger.
A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.