Author: Chris Farris [email protected]
pi-security-camera is a motion sensing Raspberry Pi Camera that leverages AWS Machine Intelligence to detect objects of interest. It was inspired by @markwest1972 's smart-security-camera.
The Installation consists of two parts, Chef is used to configure the Raspberry Pi, and CloudFormation is used to configure AWS. See the Installation file for more details.
"mail-to": "a-validated-email-address, another-validated-email-address", //required
"mail-from": "a-validated-email-address", // required
"confidence": "65.0", // required
"slack-webhook": "",
"slack-alert-channel": "#camera",
"slack-falsepositive-channel": "#camera",
"slack-alert-handle": "@here",
"alert-labels": ["Human", "People", "Person", "Male", "Female", "Apparel", "Clothing", "Selfie", "Costume", "Portrait"], //required
"framerate": "1", //required
"tempdir": "tmp" // required
- Note on framerate, this is 1/interval-between-frames, so to get 1 frame very 4 seconds, use 1/4 or 0.25
- if slack-webhook is missing, no slack notifications will be sent
- if slack-webhook is present, slack-alert-channel must also be present
- if slack-falsepositive-channel is missing, no false positive notifications are sent
- Configure SES
- AWS Requires new accounts to validate both the sender and receiver email addresses when sending with SES.
- Install deploy_stack.rb
- Configure a deploy bucket & Cloudtrail
- Install and configure the chef-sdk on my local box. Make sure to use chef12!!!
- Open a free Slack account and configure the webhook service (if you want to use slack for notifications)
- Raspberry Pi runs the motion software to detect motion using pixel differences
- When motion is detected, the Raspberry Pi uploads image to s3://${bucket}/upload/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}.mp4
- S3 Notification on that prefix calls the s3-trigger function
- s3-trigger Calls the StepFunction
- Extract Lambda splits the mp4 into multiple jpgs (Adds "Images" array to event)
- RekognitionImageAssessmentLambdaFunction pops the first entry in event['Images'] and looks for a match. If a match is found it sets event['Alert'] to true. Otherwise it returns the event with one less entry in event['Images']
- If Alert is true, it proceeds to archive the image, Otherwise it calls RekognitionImageAssessmentLambdaFunction again.
- If there are no more entries in event['Images'], the event['Complete'] is set to true and the S3ArchiveImageLambdaFunction function is called
- The movie and images are archived in the YYYY-MM-DD folder in the alert or falsepositive directories
- The new Index file is created (GenerateIndexLambdaFunction)
- If event['Alert'] is true, an email is sent with the matching keyframe (SendEmailLambdaFunction)
- Slack notification is sent with the matching keyframe or middle keyframe
- upload/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}.mp4 (new files dumped here to start the workflow)
- archive/YYYY-MM-DD/alert/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}.mp4
- archive/YYYY-MM-DD/alert/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}_NNN.jpg (first image w/ a valid Rekognition label)
- archive/YYYY-MM-DD/falsepositive/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}.mp4
- archive/YYYY-MM-DD/falsepositive/${CameraName}-${DateStamp}-${EventNum}_NNN.jpg (Where NNN is in the middle of the array)
- archive/YYYY-MM-DD/index.html (all alerts and falsepositive images)
- tmp/ (working directory where extract lambda dumps the keyframes)
"bucket": "security-camera-images-dev1", # From S3 Trigger
"movie_key": "upload/DrivewayCam-201712301547-1116.mp4", # From S3 Trigger
"movie_filename": "DrivewayCam-201712301547-1116.mp4", # From S3 Trigger
"movie_prefix": "DrivewayCam-201712301547-1116", # From S3 Trigger
"config": { --contents of config.json -- }, # From S3 Trigger
"execution_name": "$movie_prefix-epochtimestamp", # From S3 Trigger
"Labels": [ ... ], # Added by Rekognition
"OrientationCorrection": "ROTATE_0", # Added by Rekognition
"Alert": "false", # set by Evaluate Labels
"Complete": "false", # set by Evaluate Labels when list is exhausted
"index_url": "",
"config": {
"keyframe_image" # Added by archive-image, replacing active_image
A bunch of things are missing here.
- Better Documentation
- Add Dashboard to CFT
- Figure out if chef-solo is an option for deployment
- Figure out how to remove dependency on deploy_stack.rb
- Auto-enable the S3 to SNS Notification in the CFT (or provide CLI if the dependency loop cannot be resolved)
- Better docs on building the Pi
- Explain why Slack is used and how to set it up