A Teensy 3.6-based logger and gauge for my 2014 Subaru STI.
Photo of current version:
Short YouTube video of older version, without faceplate or wideband support:
See this thread on NASIOC for more info.
This project is built as an Arduino sketch. I used Arduino 1.8.8, but later versions will likely work too. You will also need the Teensyduino add-on (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html), and the following libraries:
- My fork of ILI9341_t3: https://github.com/jasminpatry/ILI9341_t3
- My fork of Adafruit_GFX: https://github.com/jasminpatry/Adafruit-GFX-Library
- font_Exo-BoldItalic: https://github.com/FrankBoesing/fonts/tree/master/ofl/exo
This project was built using the following hardware:
- Teensy 3.6
- MC33660 K-line serial interface chip, SOP-8 package (datasheet); I purchased mine from eBay
- Custom PCB fabricated using the files in the KiCad/boostino.gerber directory (I used BasicPCB's ValueSpec option, which in 2020 cost me about $30 for 3 boards).
- HiLetgo ILI9341 2.8" SPI TFT LCD Display Touch Panel 240X320 with PCB 5V/3.3V STM32
- OBD-2 cable — the switch and DB9 connector in the linked cable aren't necessary (I snipped them off), but the DB9 connector was useful when prototyping.
- Innovate Motorsports (3877) LC-2 Digital Wideband Lambda Controller Kit with Bosch LSU 4.9 O2 Sensor (optional; only necessary for AFR display and logging)
- Molex Micro-Fit 3.0 plug for connecting to the LC-2 serial output (optional; only necessary for AFR display and logging)
- Elcoho 10 Pieces Plastic Waterproof Boxes Junction Case Compatible with Electronic Project 3.94 × 2.36 × 0.98 Inches, Black
- For the faceplate, I had faceplate.eps laser-cut by https://www.ponoko.com/ using:
- Acrylic - Two Color - Brushed Silver on Black
- 0.059 inches thick
- P1 - 7.126 inches long x 7.126 inches wide
- Miscellaneous cables, headers, resistors, capacitors, diodes, wires, screws & nuts, etc.
A previous version of this project used the Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 to communicate with the ECU. That version is available in the Tactrix branch.
If this project proves useful to you, please consider making a donation!